Chapter 14

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Dear Catnip,

They should be jealous of many things Katniss. You are a great hunter, you took down the capital, and the most important one of all is that you took care of your mother and sister by yourself. No I am not kidding you Catnip. You are something special and people are either going to love you or hate you. What, you don't like my song I made you? I'm just kidding. Thanks for the complement but I know that it was bad. You don't have to lie to make me feel better. Yes you are! There would be no one that knew how to hunt now if it was not for you. You are the best hunter. There is no one better then you, there were only two official hunters in District 12 and those two people were you and me. I became a better hunter because of you. You told me in your previous letters that you almost shot someone for following you. Then you are improving them. But you cannot dough yourself. You are am amazing hunter.

Okay, whatever makes Peeta happy! You know the real reason right? If I was there I would have told him to not even try and to go back to the bakery. I don't even know either but I guess everything is possible. I know that you feel bad but it was his choose and if he knew what was right and knew that he was not good then he should have never tried. I'm not being mean I am being truthful and the boy needs to get some think skin. The truth had to come out sooner or later. Sooner is the best decision and better you then someone else.

I think you would have been just fine. But I would not know what I would do without you. You have helped me in lots of ways. You are strong Katniss, you know how to survive. I love your family like they are mine. You have made a big change in my life as well. There is nothing that will change from that.

I do miss a good bowl of Greasy Sae deer soup. You should send me a bowl of that stuff some time. Or I will send you a dead deer if you would like? It has been a while but I do still hunt when I can. If my friends don't have other plans for me, sometimes I have to sneak away from them to go hunting. I am in a different category then those fools. I am in a way more awesome category. I am no stupid man. So dear Catnip it is you who is wrong, not me.

I am glad that I made Prim's day. Knowing that she is happy and that she still thinks of me in a positive way makes me happy. She's a strong kid like her older sister.

That is very.... I don't know what to say about that. She is something else. I can't wait to see her again but with hair this time I hope. I have heard that they are doing another victor tour for the entire surviving victor. Are you going to do it? Are Johanna and Peeta going to do it as well? Does Haymitch even count anymore for all of this victor stuff or does he not care about it?

I feel the same way with you Katniss. There will be no one that will take your place in my heart and my future girlfriend or maybe wife will have to deal with the relationship we share with each other. I thought you would see it my way.

There has not been a special girl in my life yet unless you are talking about yourself. I am still that mysterious guy down here with the ladies. But no girl down here has caught my eyes like you did, if I am going to be truthful here.

I can wait too. There is more to life to worry about then when we get to see each other face to face. I am just happy that we have reconnected again through writing each other. That is good enough for me for now. But some day it will not be enough and we will have to figure that out later on down the road. But for now we have this to keep us connected.

Counting down the days until we see each other face to face,


Distant LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora