Chapter 12

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Dear Katniss,

I bet they do get jealous. They should be jealous. There goes Katniss the greatest hunter in all of the districts. Watch out! If you get her mad she will shoot out. Watch out! She will show you up. She can shoot anything and kill it. Why is that? Because she is Katniss the best hunter in all of the districts.

Peeta tried to learn how to shoot an arrow. I so wish I was there to see that. I bet he was horrible. How is that possible? I don't even know how to explain that. Looks like there is a first for everything. I feel bad for the poor guy who had to stand by him. I would have been terrified just seeing him with a bow and arrow. My brother did the right thing. I would be too laughing. I think if I was there I would be on the ground in tears with him. I think Peeta need to stay in the bakery. Where he belongs.

That was a reason we did get an along so well. Another reason probably was our fathers and what happened to them. We both know how it felt to lose the one that helped us take most of the responsibility off our shoulders. We both know that if we didn't step up then no one would. We will always have each other. No matter what. I know that. I am also here to help yours. No matter where we are at our families knows that you and I are always there for them. Katniss, you will always welcome into my family with open arms and I know that is the same for me in your family. Katniss, I am also so grateful to have you in my life. I really don't know what I would do without you in my life. You made a big effect in it. I would not want anything to change from it. You will also be my first if I ever get into trouble.

That is good you are getting good caught. That is cool you got a deer. How many deer have you got or seen? We both have. It is part of our lives. I really do miss it. But I have more stuff to do then hunt. Even though I want to hunt. That is the hard thing to get used to. They are stupid men. They hate be told wrong. That is amazing he got to see the spot. He is going to love it. He should feel lucky. He is a lucky one to see it. I am not worried. He would not ruin that right. Any ways he won't let his big brother down. That is good you scared him. If I don't get to. I am happy you are the one doing it. I know we are good.

Yeah, it was hard. But we got through it together. I don't know what it would be like if you were not part of my life. I really don't want to think about it. I would never want that to happen. I think you are right. I think we put our family first. Then each other second. Lastly we put ourselves last. I think that is how it always went. You are part of mine. We still look out each other. Even if we are in different districts. I think she is right. Katniss it is time for you let her learn from her mistakes. She knows you are there but she has to learn and grow from them. Let her make in her world now. I am proud of her too.

That is good she likes District 12. There is a lot there if you didn't live there for your whole life. Then there is not much. I bet it is different for her. How does she like it better than her old district? What district was she from? That is good Prim has another sister. But you will always be her big sister; she is proud of. I would always be at your place too. You have more than her. All of District 12 watch out for her. Tell her bring it. I know it is always you and me. Katniss, I am happy you say that. I feel the same way. You and me against the world not matter who enters.

I rather you meet them. It is hard to explain them. They are so weird. I rather you meet them. So if you ever come do here I will intrudes you to them. I think that is fair. The reason I made you ask nicely is because I just want to.

Whatever you Katniss. It is just different. You have to be here to know what I am talking about. It is hard to explain. I relax different time. Not when I go to bed. It is different. I work most of the time. Then I don't work. I hang out with my buddies at different places. I sometimes go work out with them. I know you love being a huntaholic. I miss being a huntaholic sometimes. That is when we spent most of our best moments Catnip.

Most of the people I meet is because of work. But some of them is because of my favorite hang out place. Not a workaholic.

So we both agree for now. This is how it has to be. I would like to see you too. But with what is going on we can't. I know I can't. I am sorry Katniss. I am happy you are okay with it. I wish it was different. But it is not. You will never lose me. I will be going no where. I am right here Katniss. I am good. I am happy and fine. I know that. What about me?



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