Chapter 46

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Trust me, I think they would have a great time down there. I bet you will. They will not hold back from asking. They have been waiting to know all that stuff since they meet me. They know that my home is where they can get all the answers for their questions. If I remember it. I didn't fall. Someone pushed me because of jealously. I won't be surprise if they fit right in after the first day. I know you all will.

It's okay to be scared. Who isn't. Well, I will be there to help with that. You won't be alone. We can fight those nightmares together. I won't let you fight them alone. You know that. A lot did happen. It is about time you take care of yourself and not the whole capital anymore. Let someone else do that. It's time for you and your family. No more worrying about someone's fight. That is what you should be doing. Care for people you love and care about. It is time for you to be selfish and worry about yourself. You worry everyone else long enough.

What if I talk to him? Do you think that would help? Or make it worse? A fantasy is all the poor boy have. Mostly after he went throw. He can't see the truth because he feels safe there. One day he will. Just how much longer does it have to take? Maybe he must see you happy with someone else to make him see the truth.

I had to deny my feelings for you so long. Mostly, when you were in the games and everything. I know that nothing could happen then. I didn't know what you felt for me back then. So, I tried to deny it all. All the true feelings I had for you. I know I was reckless and daring. But when it came to you I wasn't. I was wanting to be the better person for you.

They love you two. I did teach him everything he knows. How couldn't he be turn out to be a miniature me. I bet you do. He probably loves being around you. I am happy he is being that. I am proud of him. He came far. He is a strong gentleman. He has a name to behold for my family. It's has no magic involved. She is just loveable. She is sweet, kind, big hearted. How could you not love her? I am happy you have her there with you. I am not surprised that is his favorite part. It would be mine two if I was at his age.

When I get a letter from you my day gets better no matter what happened. These letters keep us together when we are apart. No matter the distance between us. There is no one I want to be have this with except you Katniss. I have never once taken off the bracelet you gave me. My friends and people down here ask me about it always. I tell them it's a part of me and keeps me close to someone special. When it shows one sign of it going to break. I fix it and make sure it doesn't. It is still the best work you did.

I know we have the best connection. Maybe one day people will understand. But for now, they will be lost about it. What is there to be thankful for. We were meant to be in each other life. Nothing will change that. You will always be the best person in my life with our families. Also, with each other between no distance.

No True Distance Apart,


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