Chapter 36

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I think that you underestimate yourself on you power over people. If you do this tour I know for a fact that everyone will follow behind you. That is why you are the Mockingjay and not the bread boy. I think you should bring it up to Effie and suggest it be a tribe to the fallen. You do not cause pain. Everyone sees hope and a new start with you. I know I will follow you anywhere if you asked me to. Actually I have, you had me wrapped around your finger back in District 12. I know you are worried that it might bring up some bad memories but you can't forget about the good ones.

I don't know Katnip. These guys are kind of hopeless without me. But I will see what I can do. Maybe soon we will be in the forest doing our own thing like old times. What do you think? I think about home always and I know someday I will come back. Not just for a visit but permanently. But my time is here and I am need here. But I will be home soon. I can promise you that. Home is where the heart is and my heart is with you and my family in District 12. I miss our spot so much. I have dreams about it actually. They feel so real sometimes. Have you ever had that happened to you? I feel the same way. I am always going around feeling like I am missing something that is not here. I know I could teach them a few things that would scare them and then we could see who is serious about it all. What do you think about that?

I am glad that Prim is following her dreams. I always knew that she would go far right when I meet her. I could see it in her eyes when she stopped you from killing that stupid cat of hers. There was so much love and caring that I don't think anyone could refuse to say no. At least I don't have to scare any guys that don't treat her right. Prim deserves the best and those boys better be treating her like a sister more or less. I would hope you let me know because then we can tag team them and scare the living pee out of them.

You are so head strong but of course you will deny it. Now you keep an open mind but back when you were younger you were so stubborn and you could see it when I watched The Hunger Games and you had this look of not backing down. He only made it out of there alive was because of you. You are the one who saved him and kept him alive. Everyone knows that. You better because then he will be in a heap full of trouble.

There are a lot of things that make you special. You have a heart anyone will be honored to have and don't forget that you are brave. You are caring and trustworthy. Anyone would be great to have you as a friend and even more. You are soulful and so much more. Do I have to go on? Because I do have a list for you, only if you want me to read it to you. Can't wait to hear from you soon.

Always by your side,


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