Chapter 45

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I think it would be a great time with your friends down here. I could tell them all the embarrassing stories they want to hear. Like the time you were trying to impress the girl that was older then you and you fell into animal poop pile and smelt like poop for weeks. I am sure once they were here for a few days they would fit right in. We all would make them feel welcome like they did for me.

I am just scared. I don't want to remember all the bad stuff all over again. I know it is part of me and I can't run from it, but I am just not having as many nightmares as I used to. I know everyone is fighting their own nightmares their own way, but I just don't know Gale. I have so much that has happened, and I am slowly figuring out how to take care of myself and not the whole capital anymore. I am just caring about the ones I love and care about.

I have tried everything I can to prove to him that we would never worked out and everything that happened in the past was to make sure we both stayed alive. But he is too blinded by his fantasy. I agree with you that he needs to open his eyes and see the world as it is and not the fairy tale he thinks it is.

What were you in denial for? I have never seen you denying anything in your life. You are too reckless and daring to care about it. That is what I love about you. Maybe you could tell me that. I would love to know what you are in denial for.

I love your family and your little brother is like a miniature you. I smile and enjoy the time I have with him. I get to watch him grow up and become a strong gentleman. You would be so proud of him. Of course, no one can resist Prim. It's like she has this magic power to make everyone like her. I have not met one person that did not like her. For Jonna she is the blessing I needed in my life. There is someone here that understood what I was going through in a different perspective. If you know what I mean. That is his favorite part of the job. He can be the big shot at his age and make grown men embarrassed with their strength.

I smile everything I read a letter from you. I agree it does feel like having you in the room with me and you personally telling me all these things. I could not have asked for a better connection to one person then you Gale. I still carry around the necklace you made me. I have never token it off. I swear I think it is now attached to my neck. Do you still wear the bracelet I made you? Or did it finally just break because of all the work you do with your hands? I mean it wasn't the best work I did and, but you always told me it was the best thing ever.

I know we have the best connection ever and no one will ever understand it. I am forever thankful for it. You are the best person to be in my life beside my family and yours. We are forever connected.

Connected Forever,


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