Chapter 30

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"I don't see the problem of me calling you that. It's just a nickname." Peeta said without thinking.

Everyone in the room stepped back except for Katniss and Peeta. He looked to Katniss and saw that there was anger in her eyes. She stepped forward and was inches away from his face. The room was so quiet you could only hear the sound of the wind. Katniss looked Peeta up and down. You could tell that he was scared.

"We may have fought together but you listen here Peeta. If I ever hear you call me that again. You will wish that you would be rooming with Haymitch." Katniss said stepping forward to be face to face to Peeta.

Peeta gulped and nodded. Katniss turned around to see that the three girls were looking at her. Katniss just shrugged it off and went to her room to change into her hunting gear. She walked back down and was face with Effie. Effie had a grin on her face and looked at her and said,

"Oh Katniss, will you please consider it will you?"

"Let me think about it, NO!" Katniss said walking around her to leave the house.

She gave Prim a kiss on the head and told her to behave. She started into the woods and did a scan to make sure she was alone. Usually she had someone trying to follow her or one of her students would go practice in the woods. Katniss would see a few people in there collecting berries and other things but still to this day some of them were still scared to go too far into the woods.

Katniss sat on the hill that looked out to District 13 and took out a letter. She felt something in her pocket that was crinkling. Katniss took it out and found a letter. She smiled when she had a letter from Gale. He was sneak to slip it into her pocket when she was leaving.

Hey Katnip,

I know that you just left but I wanted to restart writing to each other. So I thought why not surprise you by placing a letter that I wrote you. I really hope that you had a good time at Distract 2. I really enjoyed spending some time with you.

So now we are going to restart writing each other, what is going to be our topics now. I am thinking about taking some weeks off to come down to visit you and the family. It would be great to come back to where it all started and be back to my roots. But telling you now will ruin the surprise but I will surprise you some way. Trust me.

I want to know how things are now that you are back at Distract 12. You told me that when you were leaving that you had a bad feeling about something, what was it? I hope that it wasn't that bad. You will figure things out. Write to me soon.

Already missing you,


I put the letter away and started to head back to my house to write to Gale. I was always excited to write Gale. I sat down to the desk and started to write.


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