Chapter 18

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Dear Catnip,

I am not just saying these things. You were a hero to everyone. You are someone. You are special. We were just doing what was right. We knew that we had to get people to safety and the forest was safety. But I do wish we got those few people that were afraid of the woods out. We would have saved everyone. But I guess it was not meant to be that way. We did what others wouldn't do. You would have done the same thing too.

You are the same way with me. I have walls up for almost everyone here even my friends. They think they know everything about me but they don't. I can only trust a few people. Wow, he must have token that hard. You know knew how it feels to be the heart breaker. Soon you will have a line of guys just like I did with girls. You are turning into me. How does that make you feel? You would replace me for my brother. How could you Catnip? I thought we meant something more. I'm just kidding. I know that I can never get replaces. Neither can you in my life. He just doesn't understand what it's like to have to take care of younger siblings like us. The connection we gain by that. But I have to know something. Do you really know him that well? I'm just asking because you do know that he does have siblings but they died with his parents when Distract 12 was bombed. We have been pros at caring for our family and still having time to try to take care of ourselves was challenging but we did it. I guess Prim just has to get use to him.

I accept your challenge Katniss Everdeen! I will send you a deer... No wait I will send you two deer to Distract 12 for Greasy Sae deer soup. Not just for me but for everyone in Distract 12. You better be ready to come and see me with a big bowl of deer soup. Those were the good old days. I still sit outside in the woods to clear my head. It's the only place where I feel complete. I bet that is funny to watch. I wish I could do that here. Not a lot of people hunt here. But there is few and they are alright. Nothing compared to you of course.

That is very interesting and confusing at the same time, but if it works for you two then great. I'm glad that you have her and that you can count her as family. I know how hard that is for you. Have you kept in contact with the other victors that are from the other distracts? Well, I would say that Effie is on crack then for saying that. The victor tour only shows the bad times and reminds us all about the Hunger Games. Effie does not know what she is saying. I know that she is a friend of your but I am just saying she is more crazy then Johanna and that is saying something. That is what he is to me in my eyes. He's your lost little puppy.

You never know until you open your eyes to look. Mr. Right could be right under your nose and in your life this whole time and you never knew it. Maybe you're right. I might kill the guy if he tells me to back off of you and tries to ruin our relationship. But if you told me not to kill him I would not do it but I think I would break a limb or something. You must have broken him by telling him that. You are a heart breaker Katniss. How does it feel? I don't think I will ever find someone better then you. I want to say that you are perfect but no are perfect. So you are second to perfect. They should have realized at the beginning that they didn't have a chance then they would have not gotten their hearts broken. I guess it's their fault then not mine.

Always yours,


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