Chapter 24

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"Katniss this is Lizzy. Lizzy this is Katniss." Gale intruded Lizzy to me.

"Hi nice to meet you." Is all that could come out of my mouth.

"So are you guys just going to stand there or are you coming to sit down with us?" Chris said.

"We are coming." Gale said. Then we sat down. I sat between Chris and Gale. Gale introduce me to the rest of his friends. But all that could go through my mind is who this Lizzy is.

"So Katniss. Gale told us a lot about you." Chris said.

"Most of it lies. What did you tell them?" I asked Gale.

"Nothing bad, trust me." He said.

"Oh really." I said.

"So Katniss. Gale really don't talk much about his past. What can you tell us about him?" Chris asked me.

"He was the mystery guy. Also he just wanted to be in the shadows. But one thing never changes." I said.

"What is that?" Gale asked me.

"All else girls staring at you." I said.

"So that never changed." His friend named Scott said.

"Yeah. Every girl in district twelve wanted to date him." I said.

"Wow man. What a ladies man." Scott said.

"Not really. He never dated them." I said.

"What about you Katniss?" Chris asked me.

"What about me?" I asked.

"Did you want to date him?" Scott asked me.

"What. We're friends. Our families were always closed." I said.

"Oh really." Scott said.

"Yeah. Catnip is my hunting partner. Also we lost our fathers the same way." Gale said.

"Oh wow. Really. So you guys are really close." Lizzy said.

"Yeah. Most of the time it was me and her." Gale said smiling at me.

"I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have him in my life." I said.

"Be confused and a quite mouse." Gale said.

"I would not." I said hitting him on the arm.

"Hey." He said. I just looked at him and laughed.

We hanged out with his friends for a while. Then we went back to his place.

"So that was fun." I said.

"Yeah. I am happy you like my friends and that you didn't give away much." He said.

"Come on why I would do that. You told me that stuff in secretary." I said.

"That is why you are amazing." Gale said.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"Want to watch a movie?" He asked.

"Sure." I said. We sat on the couch and started the movie. I felt an arm go around me and I looked up to Gale and smiled. Then I put my head on his shoulder. We were watching the movie. I was falling asleep watching it.

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