Chapter 8

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Dear Catnip,

That is funny. I wish I was there to see their faces when you had an arrow to their heads. I can picture it now, them sweating and maybe pissing themselves. I laughed so hard reading that you scared grown men so easily. But you have the ability to do that. You may not know that but I can see it. You scare them very easily, I don't know if they are scared because you are the only crazy girl that would risk her life to hunt or that you are the Mockingjay. You tell me which on it is. I think it is both or neither.

Of course I am an observer of you. I observer everyone, I want to know their intentions before I introduce myself. That is why all those years in the forest when we were younger I never talked to you or came up to you except that one time. I wanted to know who you were and what were you intention in the forest. But then I learned who you were and I figured I could trust you. I guess you will have to wait to find out on all the other surprises talents. Tell me something I don't know Katniss. I knew that there were a lot of girls in District 12 that liked me and wanted my attention but there was only one girl that got my attention. I know what you mean. I have been so busy with work and taking care of myself that I really don't have a social life. Sometimes my buddies have to drag me out to remind me that there is more to life then work.

I don't know. I wanted to know if things have changed in District 12 but I already asked you that in our previous letters. I have been good, busy like always. The transfer was alright. It took a lot to get used to. But I got used to it. It is really different from District 12 but you probably already knew that. Not a lot is going on. Like I said before, I work work work all day. There is not a lot of social life involved.

Maybe one day I will but for now let's not worry about it. Of course you do Katniss; you always could read me like a book. I understand and hopefully you can escape one of these days and come visit me. I am the same way right now with traveling; there is no time to do it right now. But hopefully I can do it soon. It would be a vacation for me for sure.

Thinking of you,


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