Chapter 9

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Dear Gale,

I don't know which one it is either. But I agree with you. I think it is both. I had to hunt for my family. There was no one else to do it for me. You know that. These men thinks it is so easy to go out there and hunt. I love to sit back and watch them come back with nothing. Then I go out there and come back with different animals. Their faces are priceless.

Gale, that is so you. You always forgot that there is not just work. But there is a part of life where you can have fun. Trust me I am the same way. Johanna has to drag me out too. It is not fun always. She threaten me with her ax. She is so crazy. It is weird having a friend as a girl. It was mainly just you and me. Now I have her as my friend. She is so not normal. She has something wrong with her upstairs. But it is fun hanging out with her. When I want to. Gale there is a life then work. I learned that too. So you are not alone. It is so different. I bet we do two different things. What do you do down there to have fun?

So tell me about your bubbies. What are like? Who are they? You know me. I am a very curious person. So I want to know about your friends. So yeah.

Gale, you are so a workaholic. You need to have time to relax and have fun. What do you really do down there for fun? You really need to stop working a lot. It is time to life. No more working twenty-four hours. I bet it is a lot different from District 12. That is good the transfer was alright. What do you mean not a lot goes on there? You really need to start to get a social life. Meet people Gale. It will not hurt you.

Yeah many one day. It was easy for me to. You let me right in. I really one to but you know it goes. It would be like a vacation for me too. It would be nice to go and see you but right now there is a lot going on and no time. But someday Gale we will see each other face to face. I know we will. But for right now. This is how it has to go.

Your always with me,

Catnip (Katniss)

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