Chapter 3

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Dear Gale,

I am happy to hear from you too. A lot has changed here as well. The most important thing is that we can hunt in the forest now without it being illegal. I can actually hunt without worrying about getting caught by a peacekeeper anymore. It is really nice. I am actually teaching hunting classes here, so that I am not the only one hunting out here. Hunting is not the same without you Gale. I miss my hunting partner. Prim is doing well. She is a doctor at the health care clinic here at District 12. She is really good. Everyone wants her as their healer. People actually come from different districts to have her care for them. She is growing up so fast. She misses you a lot. Your family is doing well also. Your brother is a great hunter. He reminds me of you. He's my assistant in my class. What is going on down in District 2? I would love to hear about everything that has changed there.

Gale, we both know that it was for the best that you left. You have so much more to offer Panem then just in District 12. I understand that you need to find who you are. I am so happy that you have found somewhere that you are welcomed and belonged. They miss you too and your mother is so proud of you. She told me herself. She could not have asked for a better son then you, she so happy that you have started your own life and that you can have your own adventure. I bet it is different than working in the mine. I wish I could hear more about your job. But I understand.

Gale, I know that you were the one there for me. You always had my back and I am so grateful for that. I could not have asked for a better friend then you. You have to understand that it was life or death in the Hunger Games. I was thinking about my family and you. I knew that I had to come home alive to you. Of course I am the same person Gale. You have no idea what I have been through and all that I had to do. It did change me, but I would not have asked for it any different. I may want a few things to change but the experience I have had through the past I would not change. It had made me a better person and showed me that I can do so much more in this world. I have actually made a difference in people's lives. I would not ask for anything different. This is who I am Gale. I really hope that you can accept that and understand.

Why would I have been upset with you? Gale, I know that it was not your fault on the accident with Prim. That was in the past and we have to look toward the future. We have to move on from our mistakes. Prim is alive and healthy. She knew the risk that she was taking to help take care of everyone in the war. Like you said, no one knows which weapon did the damage. Of course I was scared and worried about Prim but she is fine now. But we have to move on. Look at all the good things you did that helped us out in the rebellion. You saved most of District 12 from the bombing. Gale, you are a hero in a lot of people's eyes. I know that Prim thinks of you as a hero.

I would love to see you again. I miss talking to you in person and you being there for me. Of course I will write back and maybe in the future we can actually see each other face to face.

Always here for you,


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