Chapter 2

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Dear Katniss,

It has been forever since I left. I am just happy to hear for you now. I have been busy. I always wanted to write you too. But I didn't know what to say. It's okay it took you a while. That never matters. What matters is that we are talking now. A lot of changes here too. It is pretty nice. What are the changes going on down there? How is Prim? Tell Prim I miss her. I miss you too.

Thing in district 2 is going great. I really hope that you know the reason why I had to leave. I really like it here. Of course I miss home and my family. But it is a change and sometimes change is good. My new job is going great. I love my work and what I am doing. I really can't say much about my job but it is different than working in the mines.

I really don't think there are any hard feelings between us. Katniss I know it was not real but.... I was the one who was always there for you. Then Peeta comes out of nowhere and you left me in the forest. I have been there for you since day one and I don't know where we're at anymore. It's like you're not the same person that I know... or knew.

I am not mad at you Katniss. I just thought that you would be upset with me for thinking that my weapons that I made killed some incident person that was not involved with the rebellion. I know that you were scared and thought that I was the reason for Prim to get injured but we do not know to this day whose weapons did what damage. I really hope that you will continue writing me and maybe we can see each other someday again. Hope thing are well? Tell everyone that I said hi. I really hope to hear back from you soon.

Hope you understand,


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