Chapter 43

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Of course, it's a good idea. If they want to know more about you the best away is to bring them to where your roots are from. I would love to see them again. They are some cool guys. The gang would totally help them to relax. They would learn the word when they come down. By the time the visit is over they will be regulars.

I would be scare of messing everything up. I just don't to mess up. The last time I did one of these it didn't go well. If you remember. I know I will have everyone with me. If I have you with me then I should be fine. Yeah, it will be great to have everyone all in one area. You can talk to Jonna all you want. But she will do whatever she wants. You can try.

It will only take time. Peeta will find her one day. He does deserve someone that does return the feelings. Peeta will find someone that has the same feelings one day. I know that he needs to open his eyes. I think he is realizing that I am not interested like that. I think he is in denial.

I know I have people down here that loves me and care for me. That is what helps a lot. Jonna has been a big help for me. We really help each other. She lives with me and my sister. Prim looks at her as another sister. She has been a big help. Our family are and still my biggest support and help. I really don't know what I do without your brother. He is a huge help with my classes. You are one of a kind too. I know what you mean. When I need a smile. I just read these letters over again and I feel like you are with me.

I may be a hero in your eyes. But you are a hero in my eyes. What you did and have done in the past make you a hero. I know. But the one person for me is you. You are the one person that can see true me. You help me see the true me.

I am always be here for you Gale. You will always have my heart and no one can change that or take it away. You are my one true love.

Hold of my heart,

Katniss (Catnip)

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