Chapter 4

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Dear Katniss,

That is cool that they made it legal to hunt. Yeah I bet a lot has changed. A lot has changed here too. I was about to say... It's it nice that you don't have to hide in bushes and other place so you don't get caught by a peacekeeper. Remember that one time we hide up in a tree for about an hour for a peacekeeper that was looking for people in the woods. We just kept messing with the guy until he got too scared to be out there. That was hilarious. Your mom's thought we got caught. Didn't we give them a big scare. That is nice that you are teaching people how to hunt. But don't let people know our famous hunting spot is. I bet it is not the same without me. I do miss hunting and hunting with you. I don't get to do it much here. I my hunting partner too.

That is good that Prim is doing well. She was always the best at healing people. So was your mother. I am happy she is doing something she loves. I bet she is always wearing a smile on her face. I am happy there is a clinic in District 12 that will take everyone. I bet everyone wants her as their healer. She is amazing at what she does. Her hands are made for being a healer. Wow! That is amazing she is so wanted that people from different districts come to just get healed by her. How does she feel about that? I bet she is growing up fast. I miss her a lot too. I am happy they are doing well. I try to keep in contact with them. He better be a great hunter. He gets it all from me. Like I just said he gets it all from me. That is you got a great person to help you. They are not much going on down here. Not much changed. The only thing that really changed is that people are moving and some people are leaving.

Katniss, it is nice here. I love it. I am so happy that I did leave. It was the best for me. You really think so? I do help out the capitol a lot. I really did find who I am. But don't worry Catnip I am still your hunting partner. No one can take that away from me. I really hope that you found out who you are. I mean the real you not the Mockingjay or the Girl on Fire. I mean I hope you find out who is Katniss Everdeen. The people here are so nice here. You would like it. I really do miss you too Catnip. I know she is. I really hope she is not annoying you. I can never ask for a better mother. I am the man today with her help. I really hope she is having a great life now that most of her worries are gone. But I bet she got new ones. It is different from working in the mines. They are less worries and everything. I just don't want to worry you and thanks for understanding Catnip.

Katniss, I will always be the one there for you, no matter what. I am grateful for you always having my back. I could not ask for a better hunting partner/ friend. I know it was like in the Hunger Games. Can I tell you something? When you volunteered, I was kind of hoping my name would have been picked. But when it was Peeta I was thinking of volunteering too. But realized one of us such stay behind to take care our families. I know you were thinking about us. I was thinking about you the whole time you were in there. I was rutting for you to come home alive me. I never gave you hope that you would. I know you would. I have been through a lot of things too. I know you won't ask for anything different. I won't either but sometimes I wonder what would happen if I volunteered with you. You have done great things for the world. You always made a difference in my life. I will accept it and I will try to understand it.

I don't know. With all that happened. I didn't know really what you felt about me. I know it wasn't my fault either. But I could have done something to stop it. I would really like to look towards the future. I am just happy that it didn't hurt Prim that bad. I am moving on. Yeah I did do a lot great things to help. I am still doing great things to help. I am not a hero is anyone's eyes. You are the hero. You are the one that took down Snow and killed him.

I would love to see you again too but I don't know about coming to district 12. I miss all that stuff too. I will never stop writing you. Maybe in the future that can happen.

I got you,


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