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Dreaming Out Loud

Chapter 8: Intervention

Mount Olympus

The Temple of Morpheus

Approximately 28 years before the Dark Curse

Demeter looked on, as Athena fed the baby the potion to strip her immortality. It had to be done, for Hades could not find her. They stood in the Temple of Morpheus, as he readied to help them conceal the child.

"Are you certain about this?" Morpheus asked.

"Yes...we must hide her from Hades. She will be well cared for with King Leopold and Queen Eva. They are her only other family. They must think she is theirs though," Demeter said.

"And you are sure about erasing Prince Elijah from the memories of an entire Kingdom is wise?" Morpheus questioned.

"We must. Hades must not suspect and they must not know of her true heritage," Demeter answered. Morpheus sighed.

"Then when the Kingdom awakens, the memory of Prince Elijah will be expunged from all, even his sister Eva. She and her King will remember the birth of this little one to them. None will be the wiser," Morpheus decreed, as his dust swept over the land.

"Goodbye my little Snow White. Your mother and I will always be watching over you," Demeter promised, as the baby disappeared. They watched through Morpheus' crystal pool, as the King and Queen doted on their little princess...

David was true to his word and headed to Gold's shop with Wilby in tow after work. He had a little time before he needed to be at Mary's and walked into the shop. He wasn't surprised to see Jefferson there, as the three of them agreed to start meeting when necessary to discuss the matters of the curse. Wilby wagged his tail and eagerly greeted the new people.

"Why do you have a dog?" Jefferson asked, as Gold knelt down to actually pet him, much to David's surprise.

"He was mine, back in the Enchanted Forest. So I adopted him," he said. Jefferson's eyes widened.

"'re bringing this mutt in to my house?" Jefferson asked in disbelief.

"Relax...I'll handle all his care and he'll go to work with me every day. Besides, Emma loves him. And I know Mary and Henry will adore him too," David replied.

"So you saw Emma today?" the Hatter asked.

"Yes...that's part of why I'm here. She asked about Deimos...or Damon I guess as he's known here. I told her the whole story...the story you told us about how he came to be," David said, looking at Gold.

"And you want to know how he survived the siege you and your wife led on the last blood moon before the curse," Gold responded knowingly.

"I saw Red rip him to shreds. We burned his remains," David recalled.

"And someone with the power to revive him brought him back and made sure he was caught up in the curse," Gold replied.

"Do you know who?" he asked.

"I wish I did. Believe me, I don't like when someone inserts unknown factors into my carefully laid plans, but there seems to be much of that going on," the Dark One replied.

"The dreamscape..." David realized. Gold nodded curtly.

"What aren't you telling me? I know you know why Deimos was so obsessed with Snow, but you would never tell us," David said in frustration.

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