Seeing Red

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Dreaming Out Loud

Chapter 4: Seeing Red

"You were pretty great in that little crisis we just had," Graham mentioned, as he handed her a cup of coffee. She smirked.

"Usually finding people is my thing, but guess Mary deserves the credit on this one," she mentioned.

" have a cool head under pressure and I was thinking that since I've been needing a deputy for a while now, that you'd be perfect," he replied. She glanced at him.

"Are you offering me a job?" Emma asked.

"The badge is yours in you want it. Pay is decent and there's dental. And your first assignment will be to complete the report on John Doe's little incident," Graham said.

"I think you mean David Nolan," she corrected.

"See? Detective work. You're a natural," he teased. She smirked. Taking the deputy job would allow her full access to Storybrooke's in and outs, which would help Operation Cobra along.

"Well, then I guess you've got yourself a deputy. But don't expect me to wear that uniform," she answered. He smirked.

"I think the red leather is a better uniform anyway," he responded, earning another smile out of her.

"As for your first assignment as deputy, I'll have you take John...I mean David's statement," Graham said. She nodded.

"Consider it done," Emma replied. She didn't tell him, but she'd be taking Mary into the room with her.

" seems you're fine, better than fine actually for a man that spent years in a coma," Whale said.

"So...I don't have to stay here?" David asked.

"Well...I'd like you to stay the night, just for observation," Whale replied. David sighed and saw Mary Margaret outside the room. He couldn't believe it had been twenty-eight years since he had last laid eyes on his wife. From Jefferson, he learned that she was a teacher, which he knew was something Snow herself would enjoy. But that was about the only bright spot in his her life under Regina's curse. He had dragged enough details out of Jefferson to know that. The Mayor went out of her way to publicly put her down and ridicule her every chance she got to make sure she pushed Snow down inside the alter ego of Mary Margaret as far as possible. But that was about to change. He was going to make his wife fall in love with him all over again and he was going to enjoy rubbing it in the Queen's face.

"Fine...if I can't leave, then can I at least have visitors?" David asked. Whale glanced at him and then the pixie haired school teacher outside.

"For a bit...but then I'll have insist that you get your rest," Whale said, as he exited the room, allowing Mary Margaret to go in.

"I guess I'm stuck here, at least for tonight," he commented.

"I'm sure it's just a precaution. You probably need your rest," she replied.

"I feel like I've done enough resting for a lifetime," he said, as she sat beside his bed.

Regina gritted her teeth, as she spied Mary Margaret Blanchard in David Nolan's hospital room. The way the amnesiac was already looking at her with adoration that made her stomach twist in rage. Another irritant to add to it all was Kathryn's absence. She should have been here by now so Regina dialed her number.

"Hello," Kathryn answered.

"'s Regina. Are you on your way?" she asked.

"On my way where?" Kathryn asked. Regina bit back a growl of frustration.

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