It Pours

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Chapter 89: It Pours

Snow blinked and her surroundings blurred. The gunshot echoed in her ears and then all sound around her faded away. Any noise sounded like she was suddenly underwater and in a way, she felt that she was. At the sound of that gunshot, she felt like she was drowning with no water. She felt like she couldn't breathe and that her entire world was crumbling beneath her. Because it was. She could no longer see anything right in front of her, for her vision was filled with him. Every memory and every moment they ever shared; the good and the bad. But mostly good, because with them, even the bad was good. Tears continued to slip down her rosy cheeks from her swollen, reddened emerald eyes. David. Her true love. Her husband. Her Prince Charming. Her everything. Her hero. She had always been a formidable fighter in her own right and had at times been her own hero. But she had always been comfortable admitting that she had also needed a hero at times and that title had always belonged to her David. But that gunshot shattered everything and she felt like she was falling into an abyss of endless despair. Had she finally lost him? After so many close calls, was this the final one? Would the hope inside her that she was always able to cling to, because of him, about to die? Without him...she knew her heart was going to die long before she rest of her caught up with it. Her thoughts were filled with him and she ached at the thought of not being with him. Would the next time she saw him be in the afterlife? Would she have to find him there or would he be waiting for her?

She longed to see him before her now, for they didn't deserve this. They had gone through too much for it to end this way. She wanted to see that smile that never failed to make her heart skip a beat. She wanted to hear his voice and see his handsome face. She wanted his arms around her...Gods she could still feel that. His touch always ignited her every nerve on fire, for the passion and love between them was always so tangible, so ever present, so consuming that the thought of going on without him made her feel like she was truly drowning. But it didn't end. She didn't drown. She just was lost, floating in that despair like it was never ending without him. And without him, it would be.

"Poor Princess Snow..." Jessica mocked, as she enjoyed the other woman's tears.

"I think that bullet was probably the one that Kevin put in your husband's pretty head. Or perhaps that was your friend Belle. I do know that Kevin was looking forward to savoring the kill when it came to your Prince," she added, bringing a bit of clarity to Snow's head. She was now seeing again and hearing. And most importantly, there had only been one gunshot. Had Jessica not bothered to notice? It didn't matter though, especially if there was still a chance to save her husband and their friends. Hope blossomed in her again and she felt her heart flutter. He was still alive...she could feel it. But it might not be that way much longer, unless she did something about it.

Snow glared at the woman before her and never had she wanted to rip someone apart more than she did this woman. When Snow could not, Jessica Swan was supposed to have taken care of her baby girl. Instead, she had shown nothing but fear and contempt for Emma. She had continually said she wanted a better child; a less difficult child when in reality she was too obtuse to realize the absolute gift that Emma was. Their daughter was beautiful, unique, and special. Yet these people who had been entrusted with her care had abused her. Then they had the audacity to blame Emma and even them for losing their chance at adopting another child. But the authorities had been absolutely right in their case. They didn't deserve to have any child, let alone Emma, and sure as hell not their unborn baby. No...she would be as damned as Circe's idiot followers presumed she was if she was going to let Jessica Swan lay one finger on her baby. And at the same time, she certainly wasn't going to let her abusive, disgusting pig of a husband hurt her own husband, who was the exact opposite of Kevin in every way.

Snow twisted her tied hands, finding no give in the ropes, but Jessica had made another mistake by not tying the ropes to the chair. Snow lowered her head away from Jessica's gaze and sniffed, feigning that she had again broken down in tears. She hoped Jessica would take the opportunity to further mock her and rub salt in her wounds. And she did.

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