Heroes and Villains

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Chapter 121: Heroes and Villains

"Mom...do you know what realm they're talking about?" Snow asked.

"I'm afraid so, snowdrop. It's a place called the Land of Untold Stories. Time does not move there," Persephone revealed.

"Does this group have a name? Beside the Home Office?" Emma questioned. They nodded.

"They call themselves the Order of the Jackal. Anubis is kind of a mascot of sorts," Annie answered.

"And who is this leader?" David asked. Annie and Adrian exchanged a glance.

"Dr. Henry Jekyll..." they answered.

"Whoa...like Jekyll and Hyde?" Emma asked.

"Like exactly that. However, his story is quite different than the one known to the Land Without Magic," Annie replied.

"So he doesn't become Mr. Hyde part of the time?" Snow asked.

"Oh no...he does. He's quite obsessed with exploring dark and light. Good versus evil...it's probably too much to get into now. But trust me, with him as Author, that would be extremely terrifying," Adrian answered.

"Yeah...like his own story, his story lines would be classified in the horror genre," Annie shuddered.

"Okay...well maybe you can tell us more on the way. Right now, it's time to confront Greg and his detective friend," David said.

"Do we know if the Dragon has a way to get back into Storybrooke? I mean, surely he wouldn't have left unless he had a contingency plan," Snow said.

"She's right...I'm going to go talk to Circe," Hades replied.

"She'll never tell us anything, but we have to try," Persephone agreed, as they joined hands.

"We'll meet you at Granny's later," Hades said, as they used one of his invisi-portals and stepped through. The rest of them did the same and they found themselves in Storybrooke in front of Granny's. David stormed in and scanned the diner, but was disappointed that he didn't find Greg.

"I guess it makes sense that we never see him here. They are probably have been eating at odd hours so as not to run into us," Emma reasoned.

"I really hope so, Em...or I'm losing my touch," he complained. She scoffed.

"Dad...you just got chosen by Prometheus' flame and held Excalibur. I doubt you're losing your touch," she reminded. Snow smiled and slipped her arms around him.

"She's right...they've probably been going to great lengths to move in the shadows. Plus, it's not like we haven't been busy," his wife reminded him. He nodded.

"Let's see if they're in their rooms," he suggested, as they went over to the Inn side.

"Granny...can we look at your bookings?" Snow asked. She shrugged and handed over the book.

"They're not here..." Snow said in confusion.

"Surely they haven't been tenting it in the woods for three years," Emma said.

"No...maybe they're not staying in Storybrooke," David suggested.

"Because most of the real estate is owned by Mr. Gold and Granny would have told us if Greg was hanging around her Inn," Emma surmised. He nodded.

"Then they could be staying in any number of Kingdoms. All the hotels and Inns are modernized now," Snow realized.

"And most of the homes for rent too," Emma added.

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