An Epic Final Battle

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Chapter 131: An Epic Final Battle

The Dreamscape

Twenty-six years ago

"What happened then, Daddy?" Emma asked, as she sat in his lap and he held her. Once again, the people in this world his daughter was forced to live in had mistreated her and he burned inside at not being able to stop any of it. But holding her and telling her stories seemed to stop the tears for the moment and for that he was grateful.

"Well...Mommy did what Rumpelstiltskin asked in exchange for the information he gave. She told him what your name would be," Charming told her.

"Mommy knew already when I was still in her tummy?" Emma asked in disbelief. He chuckled and kissed her blonde head.

"Of course she knew. Mommy and I started planning for you the moment we found out about you," he replied.

"You built my nursery and got my unicorn mobile, right?" she asked. He smiled.

"We did and Mommy knew you would be Emma. Somehow, she knew you were going to be a girl," he replied.

"Mother's intuition," Snow said, as she arrived and they smiled.

"Mommy!" Emma called, as she ran to her and Snow knelt down to catch her daughter in her arms. She picked her up and then leaned down to press her lips to his. David put his arms around them and pulled them down into the chair with him.

"Daddy?" Emma asked.

"Yeah princess?" he asked.

"What did Mr. Rumple mean when he said the stuff about the final battle?" Emma asked curiously. Snow and David exchanged a glance, before looking back at her.

"To be honest, we're not really sure ourselves, baby," Snow said.

"But we do know that it means that someday, we'll be together and I know that if there is a battle, that Daddy is going to fight for you and Mommy," he promised. Snow smiled.

"And Mommy is going to fight alongside Daddy and we'll both protect you, baby," she promised.

"But...I'm the Savior. What if I'm supposed to protect you and Daddy?" she asked. They smiled at her.

"You are the Savior and that means you're going to break the curse, sweetheart. But you won't fight the Final Battle alone," Snow assured.

"Mommy's right. We're going to do it together," Charming added.

Snow and David's lips parted with reluctance, as the door on the dirigible opened. The wind started to pick up, as Hyde emerged with Dracula and his three wives.

"So is that it? You expect to get through all of us or did you bring more help from the Land of Untold Stories?" Emma questioned, as she stepped forward. Hyde smirked and revealed what he was holding in his hand. It was the wrist of a man and he tossed the corpse at their feet. It was Aesop, pale and completely drained of any blood and life. Belle gasped and turned away from the sight and Snow's hand flew to her mouth, as she turned her head away into David's shoulder.

"We had quite a meal on board during our journey. No one survived our hunger," Dracula said.

"But we will soon not need any numbers for what is to come," he said, as the wind started to pick up and it got dark. They looked up into the sky, only to see the sun being eclipsed.

"What is this?" David asked.

"Trouble..." Hades uttered.

"And an indication that we really are in the final battle," Rumple added.

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