Trial By Fire, Pt 3

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Chapter 30: Trial By Fire, Pt 3

Once the jury was sequestered for the deliberation, they knew all they could do was wait. They decided to pick up takeout from Granny's and take it home to the loft. The day had been mentally and emotionally exhausting. So it wasn't surprising that David and Mary fell asleep on the couch, curled in each other's arms not long after dinner. For Emma though, she was wired from the day's events and Stephanie seemed to be as well.

As Emma covered her parents with a quilt, she glanced at the woman that was supposed to be her grandmother.

"How long do you think it will take for the jury to come back?" Stephanie asked.

"Hard to say. If they're not complete morons, they should be back any time with a guilty verdict," Emma replied.

"And even if they do, you feel we could still lose somehow," Stephanie reasoned.

"Do you really think Regina will let Damon be locked up? She never lets my parents win, not truly," the blonde muttered, as she kept stealing glances at the other woman.

"You and I haven't really had a chance to talk one on one. You can ask me anything, Emma," Stephanie told her.

"You were forced to give my mother up.." Emma blurted out. She nodded.

"It was the best and worst day of my life," Stephanie said, as she got teary.

"Was my mother really born in the Underworld?" Emma asked uncomfortably.

"I'm afraid so...not really my choice either. But despite being in a place of death, things always grow around me. My emotions can affect the flora and weather around me as well. As I birthed my little Snow, the snowdrops sprouted all around my chamber. And when I gave her to my mother to save her from Hades and Deimos, I set off a fierce snowstorm in a month where spring was on the brink and plunged the Enchanted Forest into the longest and worst winter it had ever seen," she explained.

"That's kind of what I don't get. Deimos wanted to kill my mother when she was born and then became obsessed with her," Emma said.

"The Ambrosia leaves he consumed twisted him even further. It's hard to say why his mission to kill her became a mission to possess her instead. All that truly matters is stopping him though," Stephanie replied.

"If I break the curse, then he gets his memories back," Emma said.

"Yes, but so does your Mother. They went against him once and he was torn to shreds. Somehow, he came back from that, but I will be there this time and I will ensure he doesn't survive," Stephanie promised. Emma nodded.

"Me too," Emma agreed.

The Dreamscape

Snow hummed in her throat, as he kissed her deeply and they slowly came down from the high of lovemaking. They were thoroughly entwined beneath the bedclothes and Snow had no desire to untangle from him, though she knew Emma would probably be there soon. She seemed to be up late again though, leaving them to their own devices, which usually led to situations like this.

"What are you thinking?" he asked, as he gently caressed her beautiful face.

"Many how happy you make me and how much I love you," she replied.

"And I love you, my darling. I never imagined ever being this happy. I know we haven't exactly had the life we pictured, but this dreamscape has been a blessing," he said.

"It has...and we will have that life, I have faith. Emma will break the curse," she replied, as they were silent for a moment.

"Do you think things are bad for our counterparts?" Snow asked curiously. He shrugged.

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