Pathos of Hades

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Chapter 73: Pathos of Hades

One moment, Deimos was experiencing the pure hell of the river of lost souls and the next, he felt himself being pulled from it. In mere moments, it had reduced him to a quivering mass of fear and anxiety. As he began to get his bearings, he noticed the hooded figure before him.

"Who...who are you?" Deimos questioned. He recognized the demonic creatures, Pain and Panic beside this figure and saw them approach.

"You shall not speak in such a manner of disrespect to the King!" Pain slithered.

"Yes...bow to the All Mighty King of the Underworld!" Panic ordered.

"I just saw the King of the Underworld...he sent me into that river!" Deimos cried.

"Hades is no longer the King..." Pain shouted sharply.

"Yes...Hades has been dethroned..." Panic slithered. Deimos found that very interesting, for Hades had naturally failed to mention that little tidbit.

"So...that's what has changed," he growled.

"I knew he had an agenda..." the God of terror muttered.

"Yes...and Hades was not supposed to escape me. His punishment was to be eternal..." the figure said in a deep, gravely voice.

"Who are you?" Deimos demanded to know. The figure finally dropped his hood, revealing a man with a beard and salt and pepper colored hair. His eyes were a sickly yellow color and his features, sharp and rigid. Upon his head rested a jewel encrusted crown and beneath the cloak, he wore golden robes in the style akin to ancient Greece. And finally, in his hand, he held a golden staff with a scythe on the end of it.

"Lord Cronus..." Deimos uttered in disbelief, as he was suddenly on his knees.

"You have been a loyal servant to the ways of old, Deimos...and I believe you could serve me well," Cronus stated, as he paced before his Throne.

"It would be an honor to serve you, my Lord. Am I to assume that you are seeking revenge on Hades for his escape?" he asked.

"Oh not just Hades. No...he's only the beginning. Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, Hestia...all my children must pay for dethroning me. And this...Storybrooke will be the beginning of my revenge," he stated.

"Forgive me for being ignorant, my Lord, but how do we acquire passage back to the Land Without Magic?" Deimos inquired.

"There is a way...a very dark ritual that requires specific ingredients and I need someone to assist me. I have other minions helping in our cause...but they are hopelessly mortal and some of the ingredients require a certain...savagery," Cronus answered. Deimos smirked.

"Then I am your man...please tell me more, Your Majesty," he requested.

Snow found herself lost in him once again, as he kissed her passionately and deeply. Her husband always knew exactly what she needed and his smoldering gaze made her knees weak. She pressed her forehead against his, just as her mother and Hades entered the diner. And as much as she just wanted to go home and lose herself further in the man she loved, she knew it was time to discuss what they were up against, especially if they couldn't figure out a way to seal the town off from the outside world. She pulled apart from him, but only slightly, as she was content to remain in his arms.

" everything okay?" Snow asked, as they slid into the booth across from them with Hades.

"Yes...actually it is. We went to make sure the trigger didn't weaken the integrity of Prometheus' chains," she said. Emma, Regina, and Henry took interest in this and joined them at a table, which they pulled closer to the booth.

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