Perfect, Pt 2

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Chapter 32: Perfect, Pt 2

David stood on the stoop of the large house, 102 Mifflin Street to be exact. The street of mansions where Storybrooke's elite resided. Regina's house was just a few down from this one. George's a little further beyond that. Mitchell Herman occupied the one across the way and Damon Tromera's lavish mansion was just around the corner. The corruption and injustice of it all made David sick to his stomach. But that was why he was here tonight. He was determined to have one victory and it would take Judge Abernathy's help to accomplish it.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Jefferson asked, as he stood beside the Prince.

"No...but I have to try. He screwed us over, so I'm going to convince him to grant this one simple request. He owes us," David replied.

"He's probably not going to see it that way," Jefferson warned.

"He will...because I'm not leaving here until he does," David retorted, as the door opened and the judge looked confused.

"Deputy there a problem?" the Judge asked.

"Yes...but one that's easily fixed. May we come in?" David asked in return. The Judge didn't look happy, but nodded curtly, allowing them inside.

"What is this about?" he asked.

"This...sign it and we'll be out of your hair," David said, as he handed him a document.

"This is a marriage license," he stated.

"Yep...I want to marry my fiance tonight instead of the date we set. Now sign it," David replied. The Judge sighed.

"Mr. the state of Maine and most states for that matter, both parties must be present when being issued a marriage license," he informed.

"I'm aware, but since you set a monster free with your decision, he'll be around to ruin the wedding we planned next month. So, this is a bit of a pre-emptive strike. We're getting married tonight, before he can do anything," David replied.

" barge into my home and demand this of me, because you believe I owe you," he Judge stated in a condescending manner.

"You do owe us!" David snapped.

"I know they threatened you or bought you. I may not be able to prove it, but you didn't just decide on your own to overturn that verdict," he continued.

"You put my soon to be wife in incredible danger by letting that man walk and now she's afraid he's going to ruin our wedding. At least do her this favor and grant this marriage license so he can't," David implored passionately.

"Antagonizing him by doing this will not bode well for either of you," the Judge warned, as he signed the document.

"If the Mayor asks, I'm going to tell her you threatened me. I hope you are ready for the storm you're about to unleash, Mr. Nolan," he warned. David knew it was as close to a confirmation that the Judge had set aside the verdict for the exact reasons he suspected.

"I'll fight them with everything I have," David assured, as he snatched the document out of his hand and Jefferson wordlessly followed him out of the house.

"I'm impressed...though if he says you threatened him later, that could be a problem," the Hatter warned.

"I know...but I'm marrying the woman I love tonight. Nothing is going to stop me and once we break the curse, maybe the tide will finally turn," David replied, as they got back into the cruiser and headed back toward Granny's.

Damon Tromera stormed into his club, which his employees were running as usual that evening. He went straight for his office and slammed the door shut. His rage exploded, as he yelled in anger and everything on his desk went flying to the floor. His head was killing him and the alcohol burned his throat, as he gulped down straight vodka.

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