These Dreams

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Chapter 66: These Dreams

Jefferson was practically pacing a hole in the floor at the shop, as they waited on Snow and Charming.

"You need to calm down...whatever it is, I'm sure we can figure it out," Belle admonished, as she and Rumple stood behind the counter together. He sighed.

"Not if the town is imploding around us...what I saw could be bad," Jefferson insisted, as the shop bell rang, bringing Snow and Charming, hand in hand, through the door.

"Okay...we're here. What's so urgent?" David asked.

"Why weren't you answering your phone?" Jefferson questioned.

"Sorry, I had it on silent. Snow and I were talking with Emma," he said, as he looked at her and they grinned at each other.

"We got some really good news this morning," he added.

"Good news?" Belle inquired curiously, noticing how Snow seemed to be practically bursting.

"I'm pregnant," she blurted out, not being able to contain it any longer. Belle gasped and rushed out from behind the counter, as the two women hugged.

"Oh Snow...I'm so happy for you! For you both!" Belle exclaimed, as she hugged David too.

"Thanks," he said.

"I really am glad for you two, but that's all the more reason for you to listen about what I saw last night," Jefferson interjected impatiently.

" have our full attention," David replied.

"Last night...I saw something that was...worrisome to say the least," Jefferson said.

"What was it?" Snow asked, as she clutched her husband's hand.

"It was that woman...Tamara," he said, as he looked at Gold.

"She was having a very...intense conversation with none other than Greg Mendell in an alleyway. It was nearly midnight," he replied.

"Then you think they know each other?" Belle asked. He scoffed.

"Oh yeah...they know each other. They know each other really well," he replied.

"And by that you mean?" David asked. Jefferson looked at Gold again.

"Because after their intense conversation, they started kissing," he replied.

"Oh no..." Snow said, realizing what that meant for Neal.

"So she's cheating on my son..." Rumple stated, as he clenched his teeth. He felt angered by the fact that his son was going to get hurt, but moreover, he was upset by the fact that history was repeating itself. It wasn't the same type of situation, but he had been hurt when Milah left him. And now his son would experience the same betrayal. This was, perhaps worse though, for this woman was purposely using him on the side. The only light at the end of the tunnel was that, while Neal's heart would be broken, perhaps it would leave him open to real love, like it had for Rumple.

"Yeah...I'm sorry," Jefferson offered.

"If this Tamara knows Greg Mendell, what are the chances that it's a coincidence?" Belle wondered. Snow looked at her.

"There are no coincidences," Rumple growled.

"Which means Greg Mendell probably didn't just randomly happen upon our town that night," David said.

" you think he actually purposely crashed his car into town?" Snow asked.

"If he wanted to come here...then he knew he probably had to make it look accidental,: Jefferson surmised.

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