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"You can't do this!" Gothel cried, as she looked at the swirling portal before her.

Three days ago, the Final Battle had raged in the United Realms with the heroes being victorious. So naturally, as she lay in wait, Gothel had chosen to take them by surprise and strike. But she had woefully underestimated Persephone and her family.

"You should have stayed in your hidey hole like the snake you are, Gothel. You may think we were unaware of your presence, but Killian warned us months ago," Hades said.

"Yes...and we knew you would wait for an opportunity to strike. We may have given you the impression that we forgot about you, but we did not. Sneaking into my daughter's palace though was gutsy, even for you," Persephone chided. Hades smirked.

"Especially since now our son-in-law's Promethean fire has permanently disfigured you," Hades added smugly.

David stood beside them with Snow on his arm, as they glared at her.

"We've had enough villains to last a lifetime, thank you very much. We don't need you too," Snow said.

"I thought you were the merciful one...Princess. The one that spares her enemies," Gothel goaded.

"Not you...not this time," Snow responded. Gothel growled and tried to attack, but she was hit with Persephone's lightning bolt and cast into the very last hat they had saved just for her. The portal sucked her through and David burned the final one.

"There...no more loose ends," Hades said.

"Well...almost," Persephone replied, as she hugged her daughter.

"We'll see you both tomorrow...at the wedding," she gushed.

"Then this is it? You're going to do it?" David asked his father-in-law. Hades nodded.

"By morning, Circe's remaining followers and those FBI agents will wake up in their own beds somewhere in the Land Without Magic...with no memory of what they saw here," he said, as he held up vial of milky gray water.

"Water from the river Lethe will do what we need it to do and it was easy to get now that Prometheus appointed a new Messenger God in Van Helsing," Persephone responded. They nodded, as Snow's parents walked through one of the invisible-portals and David put his arms around her.

"I'm glad Mom and Hades warned us that she'd try something once all the other villains were out of the way," Snow said, as they walked back upstairs. He dropped a kiss to her hair.

"Me too, my darling. It's finally all over now," he said, as they quietly went into Alexander's room and she gently touched his back. He held her and they watched him sleep for a few moments, before moving on to the nursery. Iris slept soundly in her crib and they watched her sleep too for a few moments, before going through the adjoining door to their bed chambers.

"It's still sinking in..." she mentioned, as she went to their balcony, which gave them a gorgeous view of the harbor and Storybrooke.

She knew there would always be bad seeds and conflict. That was normal and she could more than handle the duties as a Queen would in ruling under normal circumstances. But a weight had truly been lifted from them both now that they had banished all the evil that threatened to destroy their family.

During the final battle, there had been casualties, but many of their friends, also heads of other Kingdoms, worked together to save and protect as many people as possible.

The Southern Isles suffered the worst and Hyperion's wrath had obliterated the castle, killing the rest of Ravenna's brothers, including Hans. A new bloodline would be installed in power and they hoped that perhaps this would be the new beginning that this troubled Kingdom needed.

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