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Chapter 34: Friction

"Dad..." Emma started to say, as they walked back to the cruiser. He stopped and turned to her and surprised her by cupping her face in his hands.

"Emma...I'm so sorry..." he cried.

" didn't know. They lied to you and Mom. I know we're both feeling a lot of things right now, but if you think any of my anger is at you and Mom, don't..." she replied. He sighed.

"We trusted them...I mean, Regina caused all this, but it looks like we still put our faith in people that didn't deserve that," he said bitterly.

"I know...of all the people I thought he might be, Pinocchio wasn't one of them. Though the lying thing makes a whole lot more sense now," she mentioned.

"It does?" David asked in confusion, not quite making the connection.

"Oh well...the story that this land tells about Pinocchio is that he was a wooden boy and the only way he could become a real boy is to be selfless, brave, and true. But for most of the story, Pinocchio lies. But he does the right thing in the end, so the Blue Fairy makes him a real boy. That's where the story ends, but I guess we know he didn't go on to keep that promise in real life," Emma explained.

"And these kind of stories are designed to entertain children?" he asked. Emma smiled. Her father was still very much trying to figure out how this world worked.

" the movie his nose grows every time he lies," she replied. David chuckled, suddenly getting the same mental image she had of August's nose growing.

"Okay...that does make it better," he agreed, as he put his arm around her.

"How do you think Gold will take it?" she asked.

"Probably better than I did, at least on the surface. He doesn't exactly betray a lot of emotion, except anger maybe. I think he'll disappointed though. I get that...I wouldn't know what to do if I couldn't find my child," he replied, looking at her.

"August is wrong too...about you helping Gold. As wary of him as you always told me to be, I really do think he just wants Belle and to find his son, for the most part," she reasoned. He nodded.

"August isn't wrong about the power part...I just hope love will be enough in the end. Believe me, back in our land, I never thought I would have anything to do with him willingly," David added.

"But things are different here," Emma surmised.

"They are...he is or seems that way, I don't know. There's no magic here either. I used to think he was raving mad back in our land. Trusting him might be a risk, but it's one I have to take," he explained. She smiled.

"August is wrong not to look up to you. Everything you've ever done has been for Mom and me," Emma mentioned.

"All I've ever wanted was to be with my family and we're going to have that, Emma, I promise," he assured. She smiled, as they got into the cruiser and headed back to town.


Fourteen Months Before the Dark Curse

The thundering hooves of horses echoed through the forest, along the dirt pathway. In the near distance stood the Dark Castle, a place to be avoided. The people on horseback headed for this castle with purpose must have been brave or desperate, for no one willing went there. The horses slowed and revealed a man and a woman, in riding clothes that spoke that they were of importance. The handsome man swept his long cape out of the way, as he dismounted and offered his hand to his beautiful companion. They laced their fingers together in an intimate gesture, as they approached the Dark Castle. They found it open and went inside.

Dreaming Out LoudOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora