Child of the Moon

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Chapter 51: Child of the Moon

Once they arrived at the hospital, Snow hurried along beside her husband. His strides were long and purposeful, as he marched into the building on a mission.

"Charming...your legs are longer than mine," she chided, as she was practically running to keep up with him. He slowed slightly and looked over at her and she could see not only fury in his eyes, but fear. Fear of losing her and the anguish that would cause him.

"I'm sorry..." he apologized, as they maintained a bit slower pace. They entered the main lobby and then headed for the main nurse's station. The fury in her husband's eyes returned full force, as he spotted the doctor standing there, flirting with the desk nurse.

"WHALE!" he shouted. The doctor looked up and Snow witnessed his eyes widen in shock. She wasn't sure if it was shock that she was alive or shock that Charming was coming after him. Perhaps he thought he would be protected by Cora, though she doubted that would happen now since her plan had failed.

Whale put his hands up in surrender, but David grabbed him by his lab coat and slammed him against the desk.

"She made me do it! She's not exactly someone you say no to!" he pleaded.

"Snow and Henry were almost killed!" David growled in return.

"It's not my fault!" he retorted.

"So she threatened you?" Snow asked. Whale looked at her and then back at David.

"Not exactly...but she would have if I didn't agree! Instead...we made a deal," Whale replied.

"I knew it..." David growled, as he punched the doctor and he spilled to the floor.

"David..." she admonished.

" know she just would have forced me to do what she wanted anyway if I didn't make a deal. I thought...why not get something out of it?" he growled, as he touched his mouth, only to find that it was bleeding.

"What did she promise you?" David roared.

"A way back to my land with a viable heart so I could revive my brother," Whale responded.

"At the cost of my wife's life," David hissed.

"It was nothing personal...and it doesn't matter anyway. Looks like it didn't work so I won't be getting that deal," he spat in return.

"You're right...but you are going to jail," David responded, as he got his cuffs out and put Whale's hands behind his back. But he only chuckled.

"I don't think you want to do that," he warned.

"And why the hell not?" David demanded to know.

"Because if I go to jail, there is a man scheduled to have heart surgery in a couple hours that will die," Whale replied.

"What the hell are you talking about?" David snapped.

"I have patients, deputy. I'm actually the only real doctor in this whole place. The's all curse memories. They can manage your average ailment or even treat minor to serious injuries. But none of them have actually done surgery. I have...I'm a real doctor and a real surgeon," Whale replied.

"And now that time is moving again, people are actually getting sick or needing medical attention," Snow realized. He smirked at her.

"You're definitely the brains of this operation," he said in a goading tone. Charming clenched his teeth at that, but resisted the urge to punch him again.

"You don't really want to be responsible for someone dying, do you Deputy?" Whale asked. David shoved him away.

"'re off the hook for today. But don't get the idea that being the only real doctor in this town gives you a free pass to do whatever the hell you want. You were ready to abandon all your patients to return to your land, so don't think for a second that I believe you give a damn about any of us," he said sternly.

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