I'll Make it Up to You

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Chapter 72: I'll Make it Up To You

Outside the entrance to the cave, David put up crime scene tape and then went back to holding Snow close, as Doc arrived with the Medical Examiner's van and two orderlies. Tamara's body was loaded into a body bag and zipped up, before they loaded her into the van.

"I'm not sure if there is much need for an autopsy, but I'll perform one anyhow," Doc said. David nodded.

"Emma wants to go by the book, so we'll need it for the report," he said. Doc nodded, before getting into the van and driving off. Snow rested her head on his shoulder, as August and the man they had heard referred to as the Dragon emerged from the mines. The latter looked forlorn, as he held a box, most likely containing Hecate's ashes and they exchanged a glance.

"I don't think we've been properly introduced...but we're very sorry for your loss," Snow offered.

"Thank you...Your Majesties," he replied, bowing respectfully to them, which surprised them a bit.

"Uh...he's from our land too, but you probably figured that out since he's Circe's father," August explained.

"Then...I know this is a difficult time, but do you know what Circe meant when she talked about a backup plan?" David questioned. He shook his head regrettably.

"I wish I did...but I am afraid Hecate was much better at keeping tabs on her all these years. I chose instead to put half a world between us," he said sadly.

"Is that what she meant when she said this Home Office thing goes deeper than we can imagine?" Snow asked. He nodded.

"I know there are many more like Greg and Tamara. We could all still be in great danger," he warned.

"If Circe gave them Storybrooke's location...then that could mean there are more on their way here now," August realized.

"We need to get a barrier up..." David said, as he turned to Regina, who stood nearby with Henry.

"Can you do it?" he asked. She nodded.

"I put one up around the town after...after Owen escaped. I can do so again," Regina replied.

"Can you take us to the town line?" Snow asked. Regina met her gaze and nodded simply, as all of them disappeared in a puff of purple smoke.

"I want to be taken to the place where my father is buried! You promised me that!" Greg spat, as they filed their prisoners into the basement ward of the hospital through the service entry.

"Yeah...that was before you again conspired to blow us all up!" Emma shot back.

"This whole town owes me that! My father is dead! The Queen killed him and as usual, you're not going to punish her for her crimes," he growled.

"My parents and this town had nothing to do with that! And yet you still came after everyone, so you don't get any sympathy from me!" Emma growled back.

"You should get it...more than anyone!" he shouted.

"I do get it, you moron! I get it more than anyone! But making Regina pay won't bring your Dad back! Making her pay won't reverse anything I went through as a child!" she shouted in return, before lowering her voice.

"But I'm not going to be like you. I have my parents and my son...we lost a lot of time, but I refuse to keep dwelling on the past and lose more. I'm moving on...and you should have too," she retorted.

"Except I don't have parents, like you...nor a family of any kind, because of her," he spat.

"But you could have! Maybe not parents, but you could have let go of this hate and made a family of your own. But you chose revenge instead and this is where it got you," Emma responded, as she placed him in the cell.

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