We sat in our seats which were smack bang in the middle of it.

"I don't think you understand how excited I am to see this right now,I'm like totally fangirling."I giggle excitedly.

"You are so cute."he chuckles taking my hand in his.

"I try,I try."I flip my hair over my shoulder jokingly.He laughs and then leans over and gives me a kiss on the lips.He pulls away smiling,causing me to smile to.

The movie starts and I hear a boy and a girl walk in laughing,I turn my head to look at them.

Wait...what the fuck.


*Justins pov*

"Did you see that lady's pants?wow"I roll my eyes as we walk hand in hand into the cinema,ordering our food before walking towards the door.

"Yep.They made her look like a fatty boomba"Selena giggles.

"fatty boomba?"I knit my eyebrows together laughing.

"Yeah"she laughs before we walk in and take our seats in front of a couple.

"You're adorable."I kiss her cheek.

I hear whispering behind us but I decide to ignore it as the movie starts.

Halfway through the movie I hear giggling behind us..That laugh..it's so familiar.

I turn my head to see a girl and a boy,I can't see their faces properly, laughing as the boy places kisses along her neck.I shake my head in disgust.

"SHHH."I spat before turning back to the movie.

I hear the girl giggle one more time before it finally stops.

Wait,that giggle.Who's is it?

"Noah!stop!"the girl hissed/giggled.

NOAH?wait..woah...Is that..HAILEY?!


*Haileys pov*

I can't believe they are actually here right now.I mean,this is the first time I've seen him in like a month and this is the sight I am greeted to?

"Noah,you won't believe this!"I whisper in his ear.

"What?"he whispers back.

"Justin and Selena are legit right in front of us right now."I sigh.He looks forward and his eyes widen.

"Holy shit."he chuckles.

"This is sooo no funny."I roll my eyes.

"Babe relax,just ignore them and watch the movie."he says kissing my cheek as the movie starts.

Halfway through the movie Noah kisses my cheek,causing me to giggle.He moves his way down to my neck and places kisses along my neck,causing me to giggle louder.

"SHHH!"Justin spat from in front of us,probably still no idea it me.I giggle once more,

"Noah!Stop!"I hiss but couldn't fight back the giggle that came along with it.

"Why?"he laughs lightly.

"I am trying to watch the movie."I clear my throat and turn my attention back to the movie,trying my hardest not to laugh.

"Come on,you know you love it."He whispers in my ear.

"It's towards the end if the movie and I really wanna see the ending"I roll my eyes.

"To bad."he said before scooping me up and putting me on his lap,causing me to let out a really loud laugh.Then the lights turn in and Justin stands up and turns around to us furiously.


*Justins pov*

"WOULD YOU TWO GO FUCKING HAVE A MAKEOUT SESSION SOMEWHERE ELSE?"I yell at them,trying my best not to sound jealous,which is exactly what I am.

"I'm sorry,last time I checked there wasn't a law saying you can tell me what to do."Hailey rolls her eyes getting off of Noah and he stands up aswell,stretching.

"Well there should be a law on you two fucking having sex at the movies!"I hiss.

"We weren't having sex"Noah rolls his eyes,reaching for Haileys hand and holding it in his.

I couldn't help but feel a tang on jealousy in my heart and I just wanted to kill Noah right then and there.

"Let's go babe."Hailey sighs pulling him away.

"Bitch."I mutter under my breath,walking slowly behind them with Selena by my side,smirking in enjoyment.

"Excuse me?"Hailey turns around.

"The fuck did you just call my girlfriend?"Noah spits,pushing me back.

"I called her a bitch,are you fucking deaf?"I roll my eyes pushing him back.

Noah raises his fist but Hailey holds him back and pushes him away.

"I'm the bitch huh?"she says stepping dangerously close to me,"I'm sorry,who was the one that cheated?"she says,causing my face to drain of it's colour,"who was the one that promised they wouldn't cheat,but did?"she says tears forming her eyes,"and who was the one that fucking ignored me for a month?"she says her bottom lips quivering,"AND WHO WAS THE ONE THAT MOVED ON JUST LIKE FUCKING THAT!"she yelled,letting her tears fall.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

"That's what I thought."she said,her voice cracking at the end before walking back to Noah as he wrapped an arm around her.

"Hailey wait!"I yell grabbing her wrist and spinning her around.

"I'm sorry."I say quietly.

"Let go of me."she snatched her hand back before storming off with Noah.

What have I done?

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