Chapter 29. || "Take care of her."

Start from the beginning

I forced myself not to turn to the side and see how many horrible and deadly things had happened to the people around me. I tried my best to stare at the back the doctor's grey-haired head, who was walking to a very rapid pace.

Finally he stopped in front of a blue curtain. He turned to me and put the most serene and calming look that he could. —Son, I called you only because he wants to talk to you. I know you are an adult, but I hope you can process what is happening. —The doctor hesitated, and looked at me—. We can't stop the hemorrhage. I'm really sorry. The accident was quite severe and we can not do anything. It's almost a miracle that he has awakened, but he doesn't have much time.

I felt my heart falling to the floor. My knees became weak, but still, the doctor patted me with his hand on the shoulder before opening the curtain.

The first thing I noticed was that Ashley's mom—Clarissa—was strongly holding one of the hands of Robert, who I almost did not recognize at all.

His face was covered with blood and dirt, and the whole picture was just too strong. I remembered to breathe and pursed my lips. Dried drops of blood ran down his arms, his chest barely rising and falling, and the expression on his face only read one thing: tired.

The only sounds I could hear were Clarissa's sobs, the screams of other patients and the machines sounds around us. I probably could have caught more then, if not for being totally numb inside.

Robert slowly turned to me, and I noticed that his free hand made ​​a little sign for me to approach him. I obeyed and took two steps toward his bed.

I didn't know him that much, but I knew that he was an excellent person. A respected authority in his profession, a loving father and of course, an amazing and faithful husband. I knew that he meant the life to several people, and seeing him that way, in his last breaths of life, it broke my heart and soul into a thousand pieces.

—Son —he barely whispered, and I had to go down a bit to hear him—, she deserves the best and I know you only and only you can give it to her. You have to take care of her, that's all I ask for.

I felt tears forming in my eyes, but I didn't let them out.

I looked into his eyes, the light slowly fading out of them. He glanced at Clarissa, and she just cried more, putting her other hand on his chest, and seeing how her wedding ring caught the light of the fluorescent bulbs made ​​something inside me break completely.

I tried to swallow the lump that was in my throat.

—I love you, Clarissa. I always have. Forgive me. And tell them to forgive me as well. —There was a pause, but then, with his last breath, which he said was: —I love you , I always did.

And then I heard the non-interrupted beep of the electrocardiogram, announcing that a life was gone.

I realized I had been there in that moment with him, when many other people in the world should've been in my place, when I did not deserve to mourn the death of a person I barely knew, someone who hadn't been there for most of my life... But still, he had given me the opportunity to accompany them, to be there with them...

I did not know what to do.

—Time of death, 11:47 pm. —Said the doctor behind me while a nurse shut Robert's eyes. 

I felt like hitting them both, for being so ignorant, for not even waiting for Clarissa to process everything, because for them it was just another body to add to the list of deceased and send to the mortuary. I was disgusted and sickened at how can some people be. 

Clarissa had already stood up from her chair and now she had her arms wrapped around her, as if any effect from the outside world could make her fall and crumble. 

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