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It is better to think better.

PS When the book was already ready, in the British press in connection with rumors about the involvement of gays in the death of Princess Diana, publications appeared about a certain Barry George, who was suspected of trying to kill the princess and was her passionate admirer. As the gay community was affected, the press immediately reported that Barry George was seen at the funeral of Freddie Mercury (on which he could not be), and that he left a large bouquet with a golden ribbon on the singer's grave (which is not in nature). Then came the natural conclusion in this odd logic - Barry George (by the way, a married man), was Freddie's lover. A gay legend grows insoluble in front of his eyes.

But there is good news. On the Internet, several British fans of "Queen", without a word, spread the next pornographic opus of Laura Jackson, accusing the author of lying, unprofessionalism, spreading of the gossip and ignorance of the elementary facts from the history of the group. Perhaps some fans are beginning to awaken from a ten-year hibernation.

[ This was all MV Ahundova. Now a few words from me, freddiedamn, before you finish the book and maybe look at the bibliography:
Assuming you got here and finished the book but still doubt it - why? Why would a person like Ahundova waste so much time and energy on a long research to prove the innocence of some band or a person? Would liars do that? Would haters do that? Is she saying any bad word about Freddie Mercury? The answer to those is no, obviously. It seems that Ahundova made this book to cherish the true intentions of Queen and mostly Freddie.
But so what if he is dead and long gone? He was completely pure and it is seen in his actions, should we ignore the good deeds of a someone just because they are dead? Absolutely not, these kind of things shouldn't be taken for granted, or else we would end up not apreciating anything good that a person does.
If Freddie was really like what the press and his traitors said he was, Ahundova wouldn't have written that book and I wouldn't have talked about him. ]

Freddy Mercury and " Queen"

30 songs: Queen. M., 2000.

100 pages: Queen / The text of S. Klimovitsky. M., 2001.

Bakurkin A. "Comet by the name of" Queen "// TV-Park, 1999. № 27.

The magic of "Queen" / Trans. With the English. And the preface by T. Shashkova. M., 1998.

Glebov Y. Monarchs from rock // TV-Park. 1997. № 42.

Dean K. Queen: Photoshoot / Trans. With the English. A. Malakhovsky. M., 1997.

Quinn. History, told by the group itself. / / Starry magazine. 1997. № 2; 1997. № 5.

Klimkin G. The light of the extinguished star Freddie Mercury // TV Park. 1995. № 29.

Lebowski H. Freddie Mercury: Runner on the razor blade // Caravan of stories. 2001. № 3.

Russian Roulette by Freddie Mercury // TV Park. 1999. № 16.

Skye R. Freddie Mercury. M., 1993.

Freddie Mercury's solo work: I'm just a singer, singing a song / Comp. A. L. Rassadin. M., 2000.

Freddie Mercury (interviews) // Music Box. 2001. № 4.

Freddie Mercury. M., 1992.

Freddie Mercury / Trans. With the English. T. Shashkova. M., 2000.

Friston P. Freddie Mercury: Show must go on. With the English. T. Sakhatsky. M., 2002.

Hotten D. Freddie Mercury: At the Command of Her Royal Majesty // Classic Rock. 2002. № 8.

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