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Some journalists actually expressed the thoughts of their employers, hinting that such a nigger, as Freddie, a place in the kitchen - to wash the plates. During the life of Freddie, the British press repeatedly allowed itself openly racist attacks against him - of course, the progressive public left it without attention.

Freddie did not please his religion. Zoroastrianism is too similar to the Christianity so hated by the Western elite.

In addition, show business - one of the most profitable in the modern world, it annually scrolls tens of billions of dollars. And one of the most terrible and criminal. Freddie and Queen have invaded the sphere of someone's financial interests, and it was about fabulous sums. The impudent emigrant received fame and money, which according to plan was supposed to get someone's pretty lover or protégé. The Parsi guy, who was supposed to wash the toilet, went to a limousine and had millions of fans. Could this have been tolerated?

In show business there is a mafia, its secret and obvious "Big Bosses". As in any business, they do not like independent people there, they do not tolerate outsiders in "their own" territory, and there, too, in compromising their more talented competitors use dirt, blackmail, intimidation, harassment through the press and even physical elimination. The untimely deaths, so frequent among the famous musicians and actors, are not always related to the peculiarities of their lifestyle.

This problem is surmountable, if a person has a "roof" in the face of some Big Boss. Independent and incorruptible Freddie was defenseless against his enemies.

And we should not forget about the homosexual trail in the "Mercury case."

As already mentioned, Freddie came into conflict with some big bosses, refusing to be a concubine. As a result, he received enemies not only in the face of rejected homosexuals, but the entire influential gay community, in the world known as the International Association of Gay and Lesbian Men or the International League of Sexual Minorities.

I think I will not make an opening if I say what everyone knows. In the West, homosexuals have long ceased to be people, simply united by unconventional sexual orientation. It is a mafia with its supreme initiates and rank-and-file members, secret signs and symbols, with secret policies and plans for the conquest of the world.

Under the pretext of the struggle for human rights, a dictatorship of sex minorities has been established in a number of developed countries. People who do not suffer from sexual perversion are transformed into an oppressed majority and can not even breathe without the permission of the League. In the mayoralties of a number of European and American cities, up to 90% of the composition is gay and lesbian.

They filled show business, literature, theater, television, ballet, cinema, press, model business. The Blue openly dictate to society its own order and tastes, stopping the mouths of all the disaffected - under the pretext of protecting the rights of sexual minorities. The cities were covered with a network of clubs, bars, discos and restaurants for gays. Everywhere gay-choruses go around, aggressive gay parades are walking along the streets. Pederastia is openly advertised, but any attempts to prevent mass homosexual corruption of children and young people are perceived as sanctimonious and intolerant. Therefore, in developed countries, the number of gays and lesbians is growing rapidly, gradually approaching the line, behind which is a demographic catastrophe. If in the USSR one had to admit to love for Soviet power, in the West one must constantly explain oneself in love to gays and lesbians - otherwise you are an enemy of society. As no Soviet film festival has done without prizes for films about the successes of communism, the rare Western film festival dispenses with films about the problems of sex minorities (especially such awards are distributed in Berlin and the US). And, of course, it's impossible for a gay or lesbian to appear on the screen as a negative character - this would be a violation of the social taboos.

Given that influential gays and lesbians patronize only "their" - if everything goes on as it is now, soon homosexuality will become as necessary for a career as in the USSR - a membership card.

However, the League does not even hide its racist, misanthropic essence. Only fascism is special - sexy.

Gay propaganda constantly insists that homosexuals and lesbians are an elected race that differs from the rest of humanity by a more developed brain and senses. Moreover, they quite seriously say that all great people were homosexuals and they created the whole world culture and art that only adherents of same-sex love are capable of intellectual work and creativity (as Moscow journalists who are still not intimidated by political correctness are homosexuals, and not Labor was made from a human monkey). 90% of humanity who are sexually attracted to the opposite sex are declared cattle, subhumans who are only able to produce material benefits for homosexuals and lesbians and give birth to children for their sexual fun.

This is not the fruit of my imagination. Contempt for heterosexuals as an inferior race is openly declared from the pages of publications for gays. In homosexual films and novels, heterosexual men are portrayed as coarse, cruel, smelly animals against the backdrop of beautiful, kind, refined and intelligent gays.

Racist attacks on heterosexuals are filled with modern press and literature, both Russian and English. Gay articles constantly report the incredible physical and intellectual superiority of gays. Gays are intelligent and educated, they recite poems and polite with ladies, while heterosexuals are stupid, wishing only to insult and offend a woman. Gays are even anthropologically different from heterosexuals - they have thin faces, graceful hands and figures, and heterosexuals are broad-shouldered, heavy, rude and disgusting. Finally, heterosexuals stink afterwards, and gays smell of good spirits, heterosexuals do not wash and do not change their underwear, and gays take a shower every day ...

But a nice scene from the modern life of Berlin. The couple, enamored of hunger, decided to go to the gay restaurant out of curiosity. At the entrance, they were met with such glances, as if a pair of Negroes had entered the institution for whites in Atlanta in 1950. Nevertheless, they were reservedly accepted and put in a free table. But when a man kissed his lady, how they were immediately kicked out for "insulting those present"!

In a number of western cities, laws have already been passed that give gay men and lesbians greater rights than other people (in 1999, a similar bill in Paris called for the first "rebellion of subhumans" against the League in modern history). With regard to the sexual exploitation of children, the world has repeatedly shaken "the cause of pedophiles." Remember the recent "blue" scandals in Belgium and Latvia, in which the highest government ranks were implicated. It is known that the League organizes and advertises sex tours to poor countries, during which rich western gays entertain themselves with beautiful boys, permanently depriving these children of opportunities to become full men and infecting them with AIDS.

As for plans to seize the world, the League has succeeded in this more than any sect or secret society. It is enough to see once the gay parade provoking a stable association with aggressive sports shows of Communists and Fascists to understand that it is an extremely dangerous organization for society.

In addition to power, one of the main goals of the gay community is the destruction of Christianity. Most of the high-ranking figures of the League do not even hide their hatred for this religion and openly strive for its dismantling. Thanks to the timidity and adaptability of modern Catholicism and Protestantism and the fear of defending beliefs that run counter to fashion, gays succeeded in outraging the church no less than in the sphere of power and culture.

They are no longer enough to legalize same-sex marriages - they should be given a church wedding! And they got it - all Western Christian confessions, except for Catholicism, allowed gays and lesbians to get married before the altar. Such weddings have not shocked anyone for a long time. But woe to those priests who dare say "no" - they will be deprived of their rank for intolerance!


The History of Freddie Mercury by MV AhundovaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ