35) When I Said I Do

Start from the beginning

They could be the golden couple by now. They would drive the Harry Potter fans crazy. And where would I be? Would I have gotten together with Blake? Would we have been happy together? I would like to think that we would have. But I don't think that I could ever love him, or anyone else for that matter, as much as I love Tom.

"Mummy? What are you doing?" Lily asked, from the door.

I had one knee up to my chest, one hand on the mouse, and the other holding my thumb's nail to my teeth, which were slowly biting the ends away. My eyes were numb from the computers light draining away its life. I looked over at her.

My daughter, with her small hand resting on the wooden door knob. Her dark purple dress magnifying her pale skin, light gray eyes looking at me curiously, and her hair up in a pony tail with a purple bow.

I smiled softly. Even if Tom and Emma had had children, none would have been as beautiful as my Lily. "Nothing, just thinking. What do you need?"

She skipped over to me smiling. "Will you play dolls with me? Pleeeassee?" She whined.

I laughed down at her. "Of course baby girl. How about you go get everything ready and I will be up in a minute?"

She smiled and clapped before saying a short "Okay," and running through the door.

I smiled and shook my head after her. I looked back at the screen that was paused on a picture of Tom and Emma together. I slowly closed the tab and logged out. There is no point on dwelling on what could have been.

Tom came back about an hour before Lily's bed time, completely ecstatic. Though I didn't learn as to why until Lily was safe and sound asleep in her bed.

"I mean do you realize how huge this is?" He rhetorically asked me, as I washed the dishes and smiled at his bright face.

"It is." I agreed, even though he was to the point where he would keep going on whether I added anything to the conversation or not.

"This could be the biggest thing I have ever done in my career! I mean when I auditioned I didn't actually think that I would get the part, but they are offering it to me! Me! Ah this is brilliant!" He began to look through the alcohol cabinet, practically bouncing up and down "We need to celebrate!"

Yes, I thought bitterly, we need to celebrate you being gone longer.

He popped open a bottle of champagne, but before he even poured two glasses, he flipped on the radio and grabbed me around the waist, as we danced around the kitchen. I laughed as he twirled me, singing along with the words of a song I didn't recognize.  

"Nick's going to be there right Mummy?!" Lily asks from the back seat excitedly.

"He should be." Tom answered.

Lily pouted and mumbled, "You're not Mummy."

Tom and I both laughed as we pulled up into a familiar drive way. "Payton too right?" Lily asks as Tom cuts off the engine.

"Yes," Tom laughed exasperatedly as he opened his car door. I followed suit and went to the back to unhook Lily from the car seat and placed her down on the drive way. I grabbed my purse too, before Tom locked up the car.

The three of us met at the front of Demon and Tom gave me a hard look, silently signaling that neither of us were going to start a fight today in front of his parents and his brothers. I returned the look, holding back the urge to roll my eyes.

Lily skipped in between us happily. She jumped up the small stone steps to the front door which Tom opened without knocking. He shouted a 'hello' before closing the door behind us.

Because I Know There's No Life After You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now