7: Promise?

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Combo of Your and Author's POV

Tsukishima and (L/N) decided to not eat at his place and go eat at (Random breakfast place). 

"Oh I should probably change out of your clothes and give them back to you." you said to Tsukishima.

"Nah, take them to your place, just in case I ever end up sleeping over." He replied. But the real reason why he wanted you to keep them is because he thought you looked great in them. But he obviously wouldn't tell you that.

"Okay, but I'm still going to change out of them because I'm not wearing them out." You said in response.

"Why don't we just stop by your place so you can change into some fresh clothes and pick up your gym clothes, we are going to practice in a few anyway." He said.

"Okay, that works." You said. "Then I'm just going to head to my house in these if that's okay." You said while looking up at the megane.  

"Yea that's fine." He mumbled back. "But, I'm going to change my clothes really quick and pack my gym clothes." He continued. You nodded and sat down on his bed. He grabbed some clothes and walked out of his room to go change. After about two minutes of him being gone he called for you. 

You walked over to the bathroom door and asked "What?"

"I left my gym clothes on my drawer, can you please put them in my gym bag?" He asked you through the door. 

"Sure." You replied.

He mumbled "Thank you." just loud enough for you to hear. You walked back into his room while putting your phone in the pocket of your, well his hoodie and grabbed his gym bag from the bottom of his closet. You grabbed his clothes off of his drawer and put them in the bag. 

"SALTYSAURUS!" You called over to him. 

"What?" He asked back, loud enough for you to hear.

"Where is your team jacket?" You asked back.

"In the closet!" He told you.

"Kay!" You called while walking over to his closet. You rummaged through his closet so you can find his jacket, the door creaked open so you assumed that the tall boy was back "Wow saltysaurus, you have a lot of nice clothes." You said. You heard chuckling that didn't sound like Tsukishima's so you immediately whipped your head around you saw another boy who looked like Tsukishima.

"Oh, I'm sorry to frighten you, I'm Akiteru, Kei's older brother." He said while holding his hand out for you to shake it.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm (F/N) (L/N). Nice to meet you." You said while grabbing his hand and shaking it. You turned around to continue looking through Tsukishima's closet.

"Where's Kei?" He asked you while you pulled out the jacket that took forever to find. 

"In the bathroom changing." You replied while folding his jacket and putting it in his bag, in case he gets chilly.

"Are you his girlfriend?" He asked you. He knew the answer was no he just wanted to see your reaction. Your face turned red and froze while zipping up Tsukishima's gym bag. 

"Jeez Akiteru, are you trying to make the girl run away?" Tsukishima said while stepping into the room. You sighed in relief that he was back. He put his hand on your shoulder while walking over and said "You ready to go (L/N)." You looked over at him and nodded while handing him his gym bag.

"I put your jacket in just in case practice runs late and it gets cold." You said while he grabbed his bag. 

"Thank you." He replied. You just smiled at him.

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