20: Aobajōsai

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-The Next Day-

Your POV

I woke up to the alarm going of. I was, once again, in Kei's arms. Except we were at my house this time. Kei nuzzled his face further into my shoulder in attempt to block out the alarm noise. I shut off the alarm and started to shake Kei.

"Kei. Wake up." I said while lightly shaking him. He groaned and continued to nuzzle his face into my neck. "Kei, love, we have to get up." I said once again. He removed his face from my neck.

"Say it again." He said with a smile.

"Say what?" I asked confused.

"The nickname you just called me by a few seconds ago." He said.

"Love?" I asked. 

"You're so adorable oh my god!" He yelled out, but not loud enough so anyone outside the room would hear. He suddenly pulled  me into a kiss. I laughed into the kiss because of his silliness.

We pulled away and I said while getting of the bed, "If you were to tell me, back when I first met you, that I would be dating you now and you would actually be such a romantic sweetheart, I would tell you that you were crazy."  After I was off the bed I offered my hand to Kei and he took it while getting up.

"Is it a bad thing to love my girlfriend so much?" He asked while wrapping mis arms around my waist and pulling me closer.

"Not at all, because I love him just as much." I said with a slight tint of red on my cheeks and wrapping my arms around his neck, while standing on my tippy toes for another kiss. He bent down slightly so I could reach his lips and gave me a passionate kiss. I pulled away after a few seconds and said "C'mon, we have to get ready, you have a big game in a few hours." He sighed and took his hands away from my waist and I did the same. I walked into the bathroom to take a shower. "I'm going to take a shower and change, just wait to brush your teeth please." I said and he nodded. I took my clothes with me and walked toward the bathroom.

Halfway into my shower, I heard the door open. Curse this house and it's bathroom doors not having locks. I have my own bathroom connected to my room so I was confused on who it would be. I peeked my head out of the shower curtain to see Kei putting toothpaste on his toothbrush. "Kei I told you to wait!" I yelled.

"You were taking too long, calm down. It's not like I can see you." He said while placing the brush in his mouth. I huffed and continued my shower. After about 5 minutes, I heard Kei say "You going to be done anytime soon?" 

"What are you even still doing in here?" I asked while turning off the water, but staying inside.

"Waiting for you?" Do you think I'm going to walk out of here naked with you out there?" I asked.

"I was hoping you would." He said. I felt like I could hear his smirk.

"If I wasn't naked right now, I would walk out and strangle you with my own two hands. Now get out so I can dry up and change." I said.

"Fine." I heard him mumble, then the door open and close again. I walked out and dried my hair and body, then put on my clothes and walked out. Kei went into the bathroom after me, gym clothes in hand, and closed the door to change. I brushed through my hair and left it down for it to dry. Kei walked back out and we decided to go out for breakfast. We grabbed our bags and lunches so we could head straight to school after and walked out.

-At Aobajōsai-

We just got off the bus with all our bags in hand and were led straight to the gym. I help Shimizu out with a few things and prepared for the game. When we finished, I walked over and helped Kei with his stretches. Kei and I were talking and I was pushing on Kei's back while he was reaching his toes when I heard the voice of the person I didn't want to see most here.

"Is that (F/N)-Chan I see?" Came Tooru's voice. Irk marks appeared on my forehead as I got up. Kei got up right after me and grabbed my hand while squeezing it in reassurance. I spotted Tooru walked up with a very annoyed looking Hajime. 

"Hajime!" I called out while running over and embracing him in a big hug. 

"Hey there (F/N), long time no see." He said while hugging me back. We pulled away from the hug and I turned around to see Kei has caught up to us. I walk back over to Kei and wrapped my arms around his waist, causing him to wrap an arm around my neck.

"Are you two together?" Tooru asked making his pout face.

"Obviously Shittykawa." Hajime said and I laughed.

"You know (F/N), you still have a shot with me. I mean, what's so good about being with him when you can be with me." Tooru said while attempting to slip his hands around my waist and pull me closer to him, but immediately got his hands smacked away by Kei and kicked where the sun don't shine by me.

"Don't even attempt to touch my girlfriend or I will be after you." Kei said causing me to blush.

"Shittykawa stop being such a pervert!" Hajime yelled at him.

"Guys really I can protect myself." I said and Kei pulled me closer to him.

"I don't care (F/N)." He said while glaring at Tooru who was currently on the floor.

"(L/N), Tsukishima! Come on over, we're starting!" I heard Daichi yell over to us.

"Coming!" I yelled back. I got out of Kei's embrace and walked over to Hajime.

"It was nice to see you again Hajime." I said as he pulled me into another hug.

"Likewise." He said and we pulled away.

"How about me (F/N)-Chan?" Tooru said while pouting, still on the floor. I glared at him and walked back over to Kei while grabbing his hand and walking back over to my team.

"Did Oikawa-Senpai say anything to you?" Tobio asked once I got to him.

"He asked why I would date Kei if I could date him instead." I said while rolling my eyes. 

"I'll kill him." Tobio said while balling up his fists. 

"Don't I already kicked him in the balls." I said. He let out a low chuckle.

All the boys lined up and I walked over to stand next to Shimizu. The boys all bowed and everyone either got onto the court, or stood on the side. Kei and Tooru were both on court, and oh boy, you could feel the tension in the air miles out from here.

This is going to be a rough match.

Saltysaurus || Tsukishima Kei x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora