16: Princess

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Your POV

I woke up wrapped up in Kei's arms and remembered it was Sunday so I didn't have to worry about getting up early. I cuddled further into Kei's chest and began to think. Why would he kiss me yesterday, and so passionately? Was it wrong for me to kiss back? What if he just kissed me for the fun of it? I mean we do act like a couple though. But we aren't. He doesn't like me that way. Or does he? Kei confused me so badly with that kiss. Why couldn't he just tell me what it meant instead of saying 'I do everything for a reason' what is that even supposed to mean? For what reason? To tease me about it later?

"Good morning (F/N)." Kei said, cutting me out of my train of thought. 

"Good morning." I said while looking up at him.

"Were you awake for long?" He asked while grabbing his glasses to put them on.

"No, not really." I said as he fixed his glasses.

"Is there anything you want to do today?" Kei asked.

"No, not really." I said while tightening my grip around his waist and cuddling into him once again. He gave a little laugh and did the same.

"You smell so good." I unconsciously mumbled into his chest.

He chuckled and replied "Why thank you Princess." My face flared at the new nickname.

"P-princess?" I asked while stuttering and looking up at him.

"What? It's better than Chibi. Unless you like Chibi more." He said with a smirk.

"Princess is fine." I muttered looking away so he doesn't see my flustered face.

"Mom is at work so it's just us and Akiteru home." Kei said changing the subject.

"Then I'll make breakfast!" I said happily while looking at him once again.

"Just don't burn the house down." Kei said while chuckling. I unwrapped my arms from Kei's chest and sat up puffing up my cheeks and crossing my arms. He suddenly got up and kissed my cheek. 

"Kei!" I screeched while swatting him away and turning red.

"If you give me an opening I'm going for it." He said while shrugging.

"Oh my god you're not my boyfriend you can't just kiss me!" I said. He just shrugged while grabbing his phone and I got up. "I'll call you when food is ready." I said while getting up, Kei nodded while turning on his phone. I opened up the bedroom door and walked out, closing it behind me. I laid against if for a few seconds and clenched my heart. Why does he keep doing that? It's so frustrating. 

I headed downstairs and looked through the cupboards on what to make. I decided to make them pancakes. I turned on music but made sure it wasn't too loud incase Akiteru was still asleep. After a few minutes, my favorite song comes on. It is called Satisfied from Hamilton. (I'm not sorry for this) I couldn't help but to break into a full on dancing session. I started singing and dancing all around the kitchen, not even noticing the figure standing at the kitchen entrance. I finished off and entered my final pose out of breath. I suddenly heard clapping and looked to the direction it was coming from to see Kei.

"Making breakfast huh?" He asked while chuckling.

"Shut up. Go call your brother, it's almost ready." I said while walking back over to the final pancakes and placing them on the plate. Kei walked out so he can go call his brother and I walked toward the dining room with the pancakes and syrup, then went to grab plates and utensils. Both the boys came down as I finished setting the table.

"Thank you!" Akiteru announced while sitting down to eat.

"You're welcome." I said while smiling over at him.

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