17: Team

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-The Next Day-

Your POV

I finished getting ready for school when I got a text from Kei.

Kei 💞: Come outside.

(F/N) 💖: Okay.

I hurriedly put on my shoes and went outside. I closed the door behind me and ran over to where Kei was waiting for me.

"Goodmorning!" I said once I reached him.

"Morning." He mumbled while bending down to give me a quick peck on the lips. After the quick kiss, he took my hand and we started to walk to school. "Oh wait, close your eyes." Kei said while stopping. 

"What's with you and having me close my eyes?" I joked while closing my eyes and covering them with one hand. 

I felt Kei's hands touch my hair for a while and then he said "Okay open, and get your phone camera out." I did as told to see a gorgeous flower placed in my hair. I gasped.

"Kei, this is beautiful. Where did you find it?" I asked while grabbing his hand once again and putting away my phone.

"My mom grows them in the backyard. I thought they were beautiful, and beautiful things belong on the most beautiful person I know." He said calmly.

"K-Kei! Don't say things like that so easily!" I said while turning red.

"What? I can't compliment my girlfriend?" He asked and i went quiet. "Exactly." He said. We eventually reached the school and walked in hand-in-hand. I don't know why it felt so nerve wrecking today. I mean on most days we come in and I'm on his back. Kei must have figured out I was nervous because he unclasped our hang and put an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. So I wrapped my arms around his waist as we walked into the school. I felt as if everything was in slow motion, I felt like everyone was staring at us. When in reality, nobody cared. Kei and I walked into class to see Yamaguchi already in class and in his seat. I put a finger up to my lips and looked at Kei, signalling for him to be quiet. 

I snuck up on Yamaguchi and grabbed his shoulders while screaming "Boo!" He screamed like a little girl while jumping and falling out of his seat. I started to laugh so hard that Kei had to catch me before I fell.

"(L/N)! Wy would you do that!" Yamaguchi yelled from the floor, causing me to laugh harder.

"Cuz it's funny." I said while putting my stuff on the seat to the right of Kei, aka my seat. I sat on Kei's desk and Faced Yamaguchi's seat, which was to Kei's left. Yamaguchi sat in his seat once again and Kei sat in his chair, laying his head on my lap. I started to play with his hair and talked to Yamaguchi.

"Say, (F/N) I've never seen you wear that bracelet. Who's it from?" Yamaguchi asked. 

"Oh this?" I ask while raising my wrist that had the bracelet on it. Yamaguchi nodded. "It's from my boyfriend." I said while smirking.

Yamaguchi choked "B-boyfriend?" He asked. I nodded. "and is he okay with Tsukki laying on your lap like that?" He asked.

"I don't know let me ask him." I said while smirking. "Hey boyfriend?" I asked.

"Yes girlfriend?" Kei asked from my lap, it was like I could hear his smirk.

"Yamaguchi was wondering if it was okay with my boyfriend that you are laying in my lap." I Said.

"Perfectly okay." Kei said. We both looked at Yamaguchi to see his reaction.

"That makes more sense, and it was about time too- Wait what!?" Yamaguchi started, then cut himself off, Causing Kei and I to laugh. "Wait, are you guys serious?" He asked. I nodded.

"Look how cute this is." I said while putting my hand out so he could see the bracelet. 

"Wow Tsukki, I didn't know you were such a romantic." Yamaguchi said admiring the bracelet. Kei rolled his eyes. We continued to talk for a while until the class started to flood in. Once the bell rang, Kei got his head off my lap and I kissed his forehead quickly before walking over to my seat and sitting in it. Sensei came in and class started.

-Time Skip To After Practice-

Practice was over and we were all cleaning the gym. I was taking down the net but I couldn't reach a knot so I called Kei over. "Kei, come here for a second!" I yelled over. Kei walked over to me and I said "Untie that knot please, I can't reach it." I said while pointing at the knot. He untied it and we rolled up the net. He gave my forehead a quick kiss before and I smiled at him. He turned around, wanting to go back to doing whatever he was doing but was stopped by the teams screams.

"Ehhh?" They all screamed in unison, except Yamaguchi, crowding Kei and I.

"How dare you kiss our precious (L/N) without permission!" Tanaka yelled at Kei, point a finger at his face. I jumped in front of Kei, putting my arms out in attempt to protect him. 

"Don't even touch him." I said giving Tanaka a death glare. He immediately stepped back.

"Besides, I don't need permission to kiss my girlfriend." Kei said from behind my back.

"Ehhhh?" The team asked once again, excluding Yamaguchi.

"It's true. Check out the bracelet Tsukki got her while asking her out." Yamaguchi said. They all started to crowd Kei and I again and Kei got in front of me, pushing them all away.

"Really Yamaguchi?" Kei asked while sighing. I walked up closer to Kei and wrapped my arms around his waist and he put an arm around my shoulders. "Oh yea, Kageyama, I should probably ask for permission to date her. So can I?" Kei asked while smirking. Just what is he up to?

"Hell no." Tobio said.

"Well too bad, I'm going to anyway." Kei said while quickly carrying me bridal style and quickly grabbing our bags while running out the door.

"Kei!" I screamed in between my laughter. I know Tobio is somewhere nearby trying to find us. When we finally felt as if we were far enough, Kei stopped running and put me down. "That was hilarious." I said while laughing.

"I know, I had Yamaguchi record it." He said.

"You planned this?!" I asked while laughing.

"Yea. I knew he would say no. He hates me." He said while laughing.

"He doesn't hate you. He just- dislikes you." I said while giving a little laugh.

"Same thing." Kei said with a chuckle.

"Whatever." I said. Kei grabbed my hand.

"I love you." He randomly said.

"I love you too." I replied.

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