29: Gender Reveal

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-2 Months Later-

Your POV

You ready? Kei asked me. We were about to film a video to finally tell him fans about the baby. Kei and I sat down on the bed getting ready. 

"Come here." Kei said while patting his laps. I raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed while pulling me onto his lap while putting his hands on my now pretty noticeably big stomach. He started recording and did his intro, then I introduced myself, then we started the real talk. "So we do have some news to share you guys." He said.

"No we are not getting married. Although marriage should probably happen before this." I said with some thought. Kei gave a little chuckle.

"Well, (F/N) is pregnant. She's four months in! We are going to figure out the gender soon." He said.

"I'm due on July 14. We are planning to keep the baby and both of our families are supportive of it, and we hope you all are too." I said.

"I hope you guys would learn to love these two just as much as I have come to love them, even though one of them isn't born yet. I know we're young but we made a mistake, but it's one we won't regret." Kei said.

"You're adorable." I mumbled quietly so the camera couldn't pick it up. I looked in the viewfinder to find him glaring at me red faced so I turned my head and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. 

He hid his face in my hair and mumbled "I love you."

I gave a little giggle and replied quietly "I love you too Baka." 

-After Recording-

"Keiiiiii, I want ice cream." I whined.

"You already ate it all." Kei said with a sigh.

"I want more." I said as I watched him putting away all his recording equipment.

"I'll go get you some after I finish cleaning, how about that?" He asked me.

"Fine." I mumbled. I waited a little more and Kei finished up. He came over and kissed my forehead, then grabbed his keys and wallet.

"I won't be long." He said while walking out the door.

Tsukishima's POV

I got to the store and picked up a whole lot of ice cream, some candy, chocolate, and anything else I thought (F/N) would crave later on. I walked up to the register right as (F/N) called. 

Y- Keiii, why are you taking so longggg?

K- I left the house like 10 minutes ago love. I'm at the register right now.

Y- Did you get me everything.

K- Everything and more, is the little one in there bothering you.

Y- Nope, lil Tsukishima is fine.

My cheeks flared up at the nickname she gave the baby.

Y- Kei? You're blushing aren't you. Hehe.

K- I'll be home in a few.

I hung up the phone as the lady started to scan my items. 

"Pregnant wife?" She asked.

"Pregnant, but not my wife, not yet at least." I replied. The lady gave a little giggle.

"How far?" She asked.

"5 months now." I replied.

"Good luck!" She said while handing me my bags. 

"How much?" I asked.

"It's on the house. Say hello to the mother for me." She said with a smile.

"Thank you!" I replied with a wave and walked out.

-At Home-

"I'm home." I said as I walked into my room with the bags.

"FInally." (F/N) said while turning off her phone and walking over to hug me "I missed you." She mumbled into my chest.

"I was only gone for 15 minutes." I said with a little laugh.

"Your point?" She asked while letting go of me and grabbing the bags while rummaging through them. "My favorites!" She gasped.

"Only the best for you." I said.

-2 Weeks Later-

Your POV

"Hurry up Kei, I don't know if you're excited but I am." I said while waiting for Kei to get out of the bathroom so we could go see Keiji, Koutarou, and Tetsurou. They are going to be in town for the weekend because we haven't seen them in a while.

"I'm done I'm done." Kei said with a sigh while walking out of the bathroom.

"Let's go!" I squealed.

-At Cafe-

Kei and I were walking until I spotted the guys in the distance. Koutarou waved at us with a toothy grin and I let go of Kei's hand while running toward them at full speed. The second I got to them I pulled them all into a hug.

"I missed you guys!" I said.

"We missed you too shorty." Tetsurou replied. I let go of them after a while and Kei finally caught up.

"Congrats on the baby." Keiji said.

"Yea! I thought y'all were lying at first. I'm going to be an uncle!" Koutarou said. I gave a little laugh.

"All true." I said while putting a hand on my large stomach. "Let's go in! I'm starving." I said.

"So, when do you figure out the gender?" Keiji asked.

"Next week." Kei said as we sat down. 

"Fingers crossed it's a girl! I have enough boys to take care of." I said while looking at the menu.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kei asked.

"It means you and the team are a handful." I said.

"Oh shit." Tetsurou mumbled, causing me to laugh.

-1 Week Later-

Kei and I were eagerly waiting as the doctor checked for the baby's gender. 

"Well, I will be happy to say, you are having a baby...."


Sorry not sorry.


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