8: Dad...

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Your POV

We got to the place we were eating at and they sat us in a two person booth. (If you don't know what I mean it's a table facing a window or wall and you sit side by side facing the table) Tsukishima stared out the window while I played on my phone after we ordered. "I haven't posted on Instagram in a while." I mumbled to myself, not expecting Tsukishima to hear me.

"Same." He said.

I laughed and asked "You heard me?"

"Yea we aren't that far away from each other baka." He replied. I laughed and went of snapchat. Then started to play with the filters. I started to make weird faces with the filters and occasionally laughing. A few minutes in, Tsukishima, surprisingly joined me. I sent all the pictures that we took to him and he saved them. We must have took about 20 photos. The waitress came with our food while we were still taking photos. Once she walked over I turned my phone off and shoved it in my pocket while she placed our food in front of us. 

She just gave a little chuckle and said "Enjoy your food!" We both mumbled a quick 'Thanks.' and dug in. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I put the food in my mouth. 

-After Breakfast-

We finished around 2:30 so we decided to just walk around. We stumbled across a park that seemed to be empty so we decided to play. I threw my gym bag on one of the tables and screamed "Tsukishima push me on the swings!" while running toward them. He sighed, placing his bag down next to mine and walked over.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded my head vigorously and he started to push me. 

"Higher!" I kept screaming at him.

"If I push you any higher you are going to do a 360 and fall off!" He said back. 

"I don't care. Higher!" I replied. He sighed and walked away to a nearby bench. I huffed and got off the swing when it stopped and sat next to him. I started to get lost in thought.

' How come he is still with me? I would have expected him to throw me out the second we woke up and go back to being the salty boy he is. I didn't even expect him to be sweet once it started to rain. Why does he deal with me anyway? I'm super annoying and I know that myself. Out of all people I could have been with when it was raining, it was my crush, a tall, salty, blonde boy. Why couldn't I be with Tobio or something?' 

"What are you thinking about?" Tsukishima asked, cutting me from my thoughts.

"You." I unconsciously said.

"Eh?" He asked surprised. 

I turned bright red and said "I-I mean how n-nice and s-supportive you have been since y-yesterday!"

He sighed and said "Oh."

"Do you want to know why the thunder and lightning scare me?" I asked in a low voice.

He looked up at me and said "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Whenever you are comfortable, I don't need an explanation. Don't push yourself."

"I want to though." I said while looking up at him. He gave me a small smiled and grabbed my hand for reassurance.

Tsukishima's POV

"It is my dad. Remember that picture that you saw at my house of my dad and I?" I nodded while giving her hand a slight squeeze. She continued "The season after that, it was thunder storming and my dad was on the way to one of my track meets. When he arrived and was getting out of the car, he was pulling out his umbrella." She stopped to sniffle, tears were pouring out of her eyes now. I grabbed her other hand and squeezed them both to tell her 'I'm here for you' after a few moments of silence, she muttered "He got struck. The lightning killed him..." She started sobbing now. I pulled her into a hug and she just cried on my chest.

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