35: Mama and Papa

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-2 Weeks Later-

Your POV

"Kei don't forget your gym bag!" I said while rushing over to the door to catch him before he leaves. I handed Kei his bag and he gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Thank you. Say Hi to the princess for me when she wakes up. try and catch up to your school work today, you'll be back to school in 2 weeks." He said.

"I know, I know. I'm thankful they gave me a month of for our little Kaori. And I thought I was your princess?" I said with a playful pout.

"You were my princess but now I consider you my queen. Now that Kaori is here she's our princess." He said causing me to blush, then continued, "Now, I have to get going. I'll try to leave practice early for you both and I'll facetime you during lunch." Kei said. 

"No need, take your time during practice and enjoy your lunch. Now go, I love you." I said while grabbing his shirt and pulling him in for another kiss.

"I love you too." He said after we pulled away. He walked out the door and closed it and I locked it behind him and walked back inside. I started to clean up around the house a little when Kaori started to cry. I rushed over to her room and picked her up, causing her to stop immediately. I changed her diaper and her clothes really quickly when my phone rang with a facetime from Kei.

Y- What's up love?

K- I just saw Daichi and Sugawara at the gate and they say that the team wants you to come today. They miss you.

Y- I miss them too but are they forgetting about Kaori here? *points camera to where Kaori is*

K- Princess is up already? How's she doing?

Y- I don't know what woke her up this early but she's doing good. But what about her?

K- Oh yea, they said to bring her along. They miss both my girls.

Y- Okayyy! We will come. Now class should be starting in a few. Go.

K- Fine. Bye! I love you both so much!

Y- We love you too.

end of call

- A Few Hours Later-

I got ready to go visit the boy's practice, then changed Kaori's clothes into something more decent, then put her in her carriage and left the house to go to school. When I finally arrived at the gates, I spotted Kei standing there, waiting. I snuck up on him and said "Waiting for someone?" He jumped 20 feet into the air. 

"Jesus (F/N) you've done it again." He said, then pulled me into a quick kiss. "Is she awake?" Kei asked. 

"Yup!" I replied. He walked around to face Kaori, then unbuckled her and picked her up.

"Hi baby! I've missed you!" He said to Kaori causing me to give a little chuckle. He kissed her head as she clawed at his cheeks. 

"Let's get to the gym Kei." I spoke and he nodded. We started to walk towards the gym when we got stopped by a certain voice.

"My, my, (F/N), is that the little Kaori I've heard so much about?" Spoke (Ex/N) voice. 

I gritted my teeth and spoke to Kei "Get Kaori to the gym. I'm going to fuck this bitch up."

"No (F/N), I'm not leaving you with him alone." He said. I looked up at him, anger flashing in my eyes, causing him to jump.

"Go. Trust me." I said.

"Fine." He mumbled while walking away with Kaori in one hand and pushing the stroller in another. I turned around to face (Ex/N).

"Yes it is. Isn't she beautiful? She takes after her father. Now what the fuck do you want?" I spoke with a fake smile, causing (Ex/N) to jump back a little.

"Same as always, you." He said while stepping closer to me.

"My answer is the same as always too. I have a boyfriend who I love dearly." I said with a smirk.

"How about we change that?" (Ex/N) asked while raising his hand up to my face and caressing my cheek.

"How about we don't!" I yelled while grabbing his hand that was touching my cheek and twisted it around behind his back.

"Ow!" He yelled. "Let me go you piece of shit!" He yelled again.

"Then don't touch me or my family ever again!" I yelled while kicking him in the nuts and letting go of his arm, letting him drop to the floor. "Good riddance bitch." I said and spit on him, then continued on my way to the gym. The second I got inside , I got attacked with questions. "Yes I'm fine. (Ex/N) is currently on the floor clutching his ballsack." I said.

"We're glad that you're okay." Tobio said.

"Mhm. Now where's my little Kaori?" I asked.

"Right here!" I heard Kei's voice. I walked over to where I heard my boyfriend to see him playing with our baby. 

"I love you both so much." I said while kissing Kei's forehead and kissing Kaori's.

"We love you too mama." Kei said with a little laugh and gave me a quick peck on the lips. 


The next chapter is the last chapter which saddens me.

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