3: You Have Been Added

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You have been added to the group chat!

Ha? What group chat?

Fav Blueberry: It's about time we added her. (AKA Kageyama)

xxx-xxx: Is that (L/N)-Chan? This Is Sugawara btw.

(L/N): Yas it is!

xxx-xxxx: I'm Hinata!

xxx-xxxx: Daichi!

xxx-xxxx: Shimizu.

xxx-xxxx: I'm what you call "Bean Pole".

(L/N): I love it that you introduced yourself with the nickname I gave you.

Bean Pole: Shut up.

(L/N): Nevaaaa!

Bean Pole: Tch.

(L/N):Wow you even do that while texting smh.

(L/N): Okay now keep quiet Bean Pole and keep the numbers comin!

Yam Yam: You already got me. (AKA Yamaguchi)

(L/N): Yep.

xxx-xxxx: Nishinoya!

xxx-xxxx: Asahi!

(L/N): Ship.

Asahi: Eh?

Bean Pole: Do you ship everyone on our team with others on the team?

(L/N): Maybe.

xxx-xxxx Tanaka!

xxx-xxxx: Narita!

xxx-xxxx: Ennoshita!

xxx-xxxx: Kinoshita.

Blueberry: That should be everyone.

(L/N): I feel so included now because of the chat. 

Bean Pole: Go to sleep Chibi-chan. We have morning practice tomorrow.

(L/N): You're right! Goodnight guys!

Yam Yam: Goodnight.

Hinata: Night!

Tobio: Night night.

(L/N): I'm squealing.

Hinata: ?

Bean Pole: So innocent, so pure.

(L/N): Now I'm just laughing. ^

(L/N): Okay but fr now, night!

I got a private message from Tsukishima the second I turned off my phone.

Bean Pole: Goodnight Chibi-Chan.

I smiled at my phone and then turned it off. Why couldn't that idiot just say it in the group chat.

-The Next Day-

I woke up early because of practice and changed into my gym clothes, I can just change into my uniform before class starts. I put my uniform in a gym bag and got ready. I brushed my hair and went down to eat breakfast. When I finished breakfast I heard a knock at the door I mumbled "Who would be here at this time of day." I walked over to open the door and saw Tobio, Hinata, Yamaguchi, and the Bean Pole. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"I was already going to come pick you up, then this idiot found me and came along." He stopped to lightly smack Hinata on the head, Hinata just grinned. Tobio continued, "Then we bumped into them and they decided to come along." He said while pointing at Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. Tsukishima looked the other way and Yamaguchi waved and smiled.

I moved out the way and said "Well I just gotta go grab my bags and put my shoes on, come on in." They all stepped in and I led them to the living room Tobio sat down and made himself comfortable, as usual, Hinata sat down next to him and tried to start a conversation with him, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were looking around. I noticed the Bean Pole staring at one of the photos. I walked over to him and asked "What are you staring at?" 

He pointed to a picture of me in Elementary,  I was giving a toothy grin with a gold medal around my neck, and my dad holding me while also smiling. "What did you win for?" 

I smiled remembering "I ran a mile in 6 minutes, I beat everyone." 

He looked at me and said "Man you must have lightning feet. Why didn't you join the track team." 

I went silent. Then I finally replied "I'd rather not talk about this now." He nodded his head and starting looking at other pictures.

"Ne! (F/N)! We don't have all day! Go do what you gotta do!" Tobio called over. I looked over at him and smiled, then ran to my room. I got my shoes out and put them on, then grabbed my schoolbag and my gym bag.

"C'mon! I called while running out of my room. They all followed me out the door, then I locked it and we started walking. 

Not even 5 minutes into our walk Hinata said "I'm tired, I don't want to walk anymore." 

"We barley even started to walk baka." Tobio replied.

"So what, I'm still tired." Hinata replied. 

I smirked to myself and said "Ne, Tobio, give him a piggyback ride." Tsukishima looked at me, I looked at him and saw him trying to contain his laughter, which made me want to laugh.

"What? (F/N)? Are you crazy?" Tobio asked.

"If you don't he might be too tired to spike your tosses." I replied. 

Tobio went tense, then got down and squatted and mumbled "Get on idiot." Hinata cheered and got on his back. Tobio was as red as a tomato, he got up and started walking. Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and I started snickering. After a while Hinata fell asleep on his back. I smiled to myself.

"Bean Pole hold my stuff for a bit please."  I said while trying to hand my stuff to him.

"Why should I?" He fought back.

"Just trust me." I replied. He sighed and took hold of my stuff. I pulled out my phone and opened up snapchat (let's act like they have social media bcz I can't live without it) I had most of the first years, some second years, and some third years, including some of my friends from other schools. I started recording on my face first and pouted then pointed it at Tsukishima he rolled his eyes, then Yamaguchi who smiled at the camera quickly, I then turned the camera and called out "Tobio!" He turned around to see what I wanted and he relized I was recording the video ended with Tobio running at me. I started laughing.

"DELETE IT NOW (Y/N)!" he screamed.

"Fine fine." I replied. I quickly pressed the save button then pressed the x. "Happy?" I asked.

"Very." He replied while walking away and making sure he didn't wake up the sleeping boy on his back.

Once Tobio was far away Tsukishima asked "Why did you agree to delete it idiot?" I sighed and pulled out my phone again going to saved, I showed him it and he started to snicker. 

I swiped up and pressed the edit button, I captioned it "We feel lonely." With a single tear emoji. I then put it on my story.

"Who's your best friend on snapchat?" I asked Tsukishima.

"Don't have one. I don't talk to people often." He replied.

"Eh? You can't just not have one. Then from now on, i'll make it my goal to be your #1 bestfriend on snapchat!" I said while jumping in front of him and putting my thumb up while giving him a wide smile. 

That smile sent butterflies to Tsukishima's heart.

That smile made him start to slowly fall for you and he didn't even know it.

He was falling for you.

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