15: Youtuber?

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-The Next Day-

Your POV

I woke up early even though we didn't have school today and got in the shower. After my shower I sat in bed on my phone and decided to watch snapchat stories since I haven't watched them ever since we got on the bus yesterday. I got to Yamaguchi's story and he had a bunch of Kei and I on the bus yesterday. They were mostly captioned things like "How can you not ship them?" and "They are so precious." I rolled my eyes and watched them. The first one started off when Kei pointed his finger at me and said "Don't even say anything." but it wasn't audible in the video because we were too far, and ended off with me taking his glasses off him and putting it in his bag. The next one was just me playing with his hair and looking out the window, and the last one was me draping a blanket over him so he doesn't get sick. 

I sighed and slid up, telling Yamaguchi "Yams, stop being dramatic, we aren't dating and we never will." 

He replied saying "Fine, but just so you know, Tsukki didn't say anything, other than for me to send him the videos. ;)"

I blushed at what he said. Is he serious or just playing with me? 

-A Few Weeks Later-

Tsukishima's POV

"So what should we do today?" I asked my looking at the camera on my computer. Here's something nobody but my family and Yamaguchi knows, I'm a youtuber, surprising. I know. I don't have that big of a follower account but I guess I'm known. I was currently livestreaming and just talking to the people watching.

"Are you single?" I read off a question. "What a weird question to ask. Yes, I am single, but I have my eye on someone." I answered.

"Is she the one always on you snapchat and Instagram?" Another one asked. 

"I gave you the answer to the first question, frankly, I'm not going to answer the second one." I heard a knock on the door and I assumed it was Akiteru so I yelled over "I'm live Akiteru!"

The door slightly opened so I turned around and (F/N) peaked her head in and asked "Kei? What are you doing?" I ran over to the door and pulled her into the room, grabbing her so she was out of frame, or at least I thought we were. I completely forgot Akiteru invited (F/N) over for dinner today. "Kei? What the hell is happening?"

"I'll explain later, okay (F/N)?" I told her. 

She crossed her arms and huffed "Kei... Don't start hiding things from me." She looked so cute that it caused me to blush. 

I turned my head away from her so she wouldn't notice and mumbled "I'm not." She raised a brow at me and I sighed "(F/N), please I'll explain later."

She sighed and mumbled "Fine."  I opened up my arms and pulled her in for a hug. She resisted at first the sighed and wrapped her arms around me.

"That's the spirit!" I jokingly said. 

She pulled away and smacked my arm saying "Shut up Kei."

"Ow that hurt." I said while pouting jokingly and holding my arm where she smacked me.

"Oh poor baby. Would you like me to kiss if for you?" She said while smirking.

"Yes please." I said smirking back, expecting her to be flustered. Instead she grabbed my arm and kissed it. Then pulled away smirking at me. 

My face turned completely red, I wasn't expecting her to actually do it. "I'm going to go down and help your mom with the food. You continue doing whatever you were doing in here." She said still smirking while walking out and closing the door behind her. I stood there for a few seconds longer after she left, still flustered. When my blush faded, I looked over to the computer to see that we were in frame the whole time and I forgot to mute. So they saw and heard everything. I walked back over and sat at my desk chair.

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