19: Recording

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-The Next Day-

Your POV

Practice just finished up and I grabbed Kei's water bottle and towel to hand them to him as he ran over to me. "Thank you." He mumbled quickly while kissing my forehead. I gave him a quick smile.

"I will never get used to this! It's not fair!" Nishinoya whined while stomping his feet and sulking. 

"I know right!" Tanaka joined.

"Find your own girlfriends, this one is taken." Kei said while wrapping one of his arms around my neck and pulling me closer to him so I would be lying against his chest.

"Get ready so we can leave, Kei." I said while taking his hand off of me and walking over to grab our bags. He followed me after a bit and grabbed his bags too. After getting all settled, Kei took my hand and we started to walk to the door.

"Goodnight everyone!" I yelled while waving with my free hand. I got some waves and smiles and we left.

"Princess, I think we should record the video tomorrow. It's already late and we just might get home to eat dinner then sleep." Kei said. I nodded.

"Video?" Tobio asked coming out of nowhere. 

I felt Kei's hand tense up. I put a hand on Kei's shoulder to help relax him and said "It's a project for our History class." I felt Kei calm down and squeeze my hand as a way of saying thanks.

"Oh." Tobio said, then parted to go his separate way.

"They don't even know?" I asked Kei when I knew Tobio was out of earshot.

"Only Yamaguchi does." Kei said and I sighed.

-The Next Day-

"Okay are you ready?" Kei asked while sitting on the couch that was in front of his camera and set up. We decided to do a Q&A video. He tweeted for people to ask him questions.

Kei.Tsukishima: Going to do a Q&A soon with my girlfriend so ask questions with the hashtag #ask(ship name)!

We actually got quite a few so Kei picked some and I picked some. He started the video.

"Hey! It's Kei here, and for the moment you guys have been waiting for since I made the tweet, I'm proud to introduce! My girlfriend (F/N) (L/N)!" He said and I jumped into frame and onto the couch next to him.

"Hey!" I screamed after I sat down and made myself comfortable. Kei put his arm around me, pulling my closer so I layed my head against his chest and continued to talk.

"So today, we decided to do and Q&A. We told you guys to send questions to the hashtag #Ask (ship name) and by the looks of it, you guys already guessed that (F/N) was my girlfriend." He said.

"Nobody else would be crazy enough to date you." I said and I felt him glare at me, causing me to laugh. His face softened.

"Anyways, we are going to answer some of your questions, and If you guys like this, we might make a part 2! Let's get started!" He said.

"#1, How long have you guys been dating?" Kei read off.

"Almost a month." I answered. "#2, How did you guys meet?" I read.

"Oh god." Kei mumbled. I laughed.

"Oh god indeed." I said.

"How about we don't?" He asked. "#3, Who said 'I love you' first? If you have said it." Kei read off. We both pointed at him and laughed.

"#4, Has your girlfriend met your mom and brother?" I read off.

"They love her more then me." Kei mumbled.

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