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Amber's P.O.V.

"You know what I don't understand?" My so called brother asked. I just rolled my eyes and waited for him to continue. Let's see where this is gonna take us.

"I don't get it, how can you not speak for your whole life?" He stands up and walks around me in circles.

He adds an annoying laugh "I for one couldn't stand a day without talking"

Yeah.... I figured

Even when there's nobody around he speaks to himself. And he talks about the weirdest shit.

Phyco path...

He stoped walking around me and stood in front of me.

"You know it's not my fault." I gave him a confused look.

"All I wanted is a dad." He took a deep breath to continue.

"All through my school years I've been teased and made fun of because I didn't have a father."

"Have you ever been bullyed Amber? It sucks...a lot. I attempted suside 3 times cause of those sons of bitchs!" He started pacing back and forth to calm down his anger

"All for a dad that doesn't give a shit about me." He ran his hand through his face roughly.

"But now it's time for revenge. I'm done with your father, your next. And after you are those bullies!"

"what's my fault huh?"

"All I wanted was a father..."

I took a good look at him. His eyes were beginning to water. His structure was fragile, like it would collapse with a push of a finger.

I feel bad for him now, all he wanted was a loving father that he could look up to.

But now he's just a broken man...


Heyy guys,

I know its short but I'm not feeling my best and I had no idea what to write about.


See ya guys later!


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