A School Day

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Anything in Bold italics is sign language.


Amber's POV

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I slammed my alarm off facing the opposite direction covering my head with the pillow. I was about to drift back off to sleep when my feet started getting tickled. One word. Chris. I pulled my feet under my blanket trying not to get attacked again.

"C'mon Amber! Wake up! You have to get up! You have school." I silently groaned getting up and looking at my foster brother. Giving him a death stare.

'Why does everyone like to wake me up for!? Can't I just sleep!?' I signed to him.

"I don't know sis. But get up, mom made breakfast." He said walking out of the room. I put on my slippers grabbing my towel before going into my own suite bathroom.

My foster mom spoiled me when I came to live with them. She wanted me to like her, so she bought me all new clothes, gave me my own room with my own bathroom. All the toys I wanted when I was younger. I didn't let her buy me any new toys though. She bought me a few outfits and that's it. Sometimes I feel bad that I don't talk to her or Chris. I tried before, but it's like my voice doesn't want to come out.

I brushed my teeth, before hopping in the shower. I quickly washed my body before getting out and checking the weather on my phone. High of 20 and it's supposed to rain. I guess it's skinny jeans and a sweatshirt.

I pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans, my black Vans high tops and one of my favourite sweatshirts. It says 'Happy Frantastic Mondays' on it. It's the official merchandise of Connor Franta, my favourite Youtuber.

Connor may be miles away, but sometimes someone miles away can make you happy. He happens to be one.

I went to my mirror looking at my face. I had bags under my eyes that look like I haven't slept in days. I sighed to myself, stupid nightmares. I grabbed my foundation putting some on. Then the mascara, eye liner and some blush. I grabbed my lip gloss sticking it in my back pocket. I grabbed my white VANS bag before walking down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Good morning Amber!" My foster mom greeted.

'Morning!' I signed back.

"What are you doing up so early?" She asked me. It's 7:30...

'Isn't it seven thirty?' I signed.

"No hun, it's not even seven yet." I groaned internally.

'One minute. I just have to kill your son.' I signed back getting up. I walked up to my brother's room. I knocked on the door waiting for his answer.

"Come in." He said almost laughing. I walked in his room to see him standing there with his arms crossed.

'Your gonna die today.' I threatened in sign.

"You and what army?" He asked. I walked up to him my fist clenched. I looked him straight in the eye before hitting his chest with my fist. I continued for about two more minutes before giving up. Chris is a pretty built guy, and me hitting him doesn't do much damage.

Chris is one year older then me, he really acts like a big brother too. He used to protect me in elementary school, and he still does now. He can be annoying but i couldn't ask for a better foster brother.

"That did a lot of damage Amber." He said to me. I looked up at him, squinting my eyes.

'Shut up. You're lucky your so built.' I replied. He laughed before turning serious.

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