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And the winner is.... WeHoranFied!! I absolutely loved her imagine! And her description was well written too! If you didn't win this one, don't wore we'll have other contest later in the story!

This chapter is dedicated to Sophskis56 because she asked for it and we both like the number 56!

Hope you like the chapter! *Ching!*


Chapter 7

Kat's P.O.V

"So who's it gonna be Amber? Friend or crush? Sisters before boys?" They both said pulling off there masks.

Oh my Lord! I couldn't believe my eyes! It was Sarah and her creepy loner brother Anthony!

"SARAH! ANTHONY! What the hell! What do you think your doing!?"I yelled at her.

"It's nice seeing you too Kat." Sarah says.

"Wait! You guys know her!?" Cody says confused.

"It's a long story." I tell him.

"No! Go ahead tell him. Tell him so that he know what a bitch Amber is!" Sarah spat.

"She's not a bitch! Your the bitch! What do you think your doing!" Cody defends but then Anthony throws him on the floor hard.

"Shut up! Don't talk to my sister in that way!" Anthony yells while picking Cody up from the flood forcefully and holding him so that he doesn't make a move.

"It all started when we were all 9 years old. When Amber moved away due to a tragic incident. Me and Kat became the best of friends." Sarah explains.

"But then a year later, that bitch Amber came back! And she stole Kat away from me." Sarah said.

"Stop lying! That's not what happened! She didn't steal me away from you! I was being friendly with Amber because of what happened with her father. And you were acting mean to her! So I started to not hang out with you." I said, and that was what really happened.

"Oh just shut up! We all know your lying Kat!" Sarah spat.

"Wait! I'm confused. Why did Amber move?" Cody asks.

Oh God! Why!? Why me!? Why Amber!?

Amber looked over at Sarah with pleading eyes. She was begging her not to tell him. Sarah had a evil smirk on her face.

"She never told you?" Sarah asks while not breaking eye contact with Amber.

"Sarah please." I beg for Amber since Amber can't speak.

"One day Amber and her daddy were at home wat-" then Sarah was cut off by a gun that was held up to her head! And the person that was holding it was Justin!

"Let go of the girls and Cody, and I won't kill her." Justin says in a stern voice. You could tell he was dead serious. But, would he really kill someone for us? I mean he's Justin Bieber. If he kills her, he will go to jail. His career and more importantly, life will be ruined!

"Hey dude! Let go of my sister. You could take them! Just don't hurt her." Anthony says with worry in his voice.

"Untie them!" Justin yells while still holding up the gun to Sarah's head. Anthony unites Cody then Cody unites Amber and I.

"Girls go to the car and lock the door and don't open it for anybody other than us!" Cody says.

"What about you two!? We can't leave you two here!" I said.

"We'll be fine! Just go!" Justin says and we run to the car and lock the door, eagerly waiting for the boys to come.

Cody's P.O.V

After the girls safely left I walked over to Sarah's brother and pulled on his hair.

"Listen up! And listen good because I'm not going to repeat myself! You and you sister better stay away from those two girl! Or else my friend Justin over there, will pull the trigger. And you will be next!" I said throwing him on the floor.

"Let's go Justin!" I yelled towards Justin and we both ran to the car before they try anything else. I look over to the car and see Kat and Amber in the car. They were both hugging each other and crying. It just broke my heart seeing them like this. Justin lightly knocked on the window and there heads shot up and they unlocked the door and we hopped in the front.

"OMG! Are you guys okay!?" Kat said in a worried voice.

"Yeah we're fine we just warned them! We told them about what would happen if they ever hurt you two again." Justin said putting away the gun.

"Dude, where the hell did you get that gun from!?" I asked shocked.

"Calm down bro. It's fake. Do you really think I would kill someone!?" Justin said added by a chuckle.

"Guys thank you so much for everything! I don't know how we can repay you." Kat said.

"You girls don't need to repay us." I say then Justin starts the engine and we start driving. The ride was silent until Kat spoke.

"Hey Justin." Kat says.

"Yeah?" He responded while still keeping his eyes on the road.

"How did you know where we were?" She asks.

"Cody called me, saying that you two were in trouble." He answered.

As we were driving the girls saw that we passed their street.

"Hey Justin, you just missed our street." Kat says.

"Yeah I know." Justin says then a smirk spreads across my face. I know what he's doing.

"What? Then where are you taking us. Justin were super tired and we just want to go to sleep." Kat said.

"The place that were going you can rest all you want." I said.

"Where are we going?" She asks again.

"My place." Justin says followed by me laughing.

"Guys you really don't need to do that. We're perfectly fine at home." Kat says trying to convince us.

"We can't risk that. What if Sarah and her brother come for you two again. Then who's going to help you!?" I said.

"Fineeeee. But only for tonight." She said.

Yeah sure! Like we're going to let them go home after one day! Note the sarcasm.

As we pull up in Justin's drive way we get out of the car. The girls eyes widen. Then Amber signs something.

"What did she say?" I ask Kat.

"She said this place is huge!" Kat says and we both chuckle. The we walk inside.

"You girls will be staying upstairs in the guest room, there are 2 beds there and feel free to take a shower. I'll bring some of my moms clothes so you two can change. Her cloths should fit you two." Justin said the girls nod.

"Thanks again for tonight guys. Your saved us." Kat said. Then she walked up to Justin and gave him a kiss on the check.

"My hero." She said then both of them went upstairs to their room.


What's up guys!

What do you guys think will happen next!?

Twitter names: @jorjor56 @ZeynepKay0


Dangerous? Yes! Regret it? No!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora