Something Called A Concert

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Amber's POV

"Amber! Wake up." I heard Kat say, shaking me awake. I groaned, before sitting up and stretching.

"Why doesn't anyone ever let me sleep in?" I asked annoyed.

"Well, we have to get ready to go home. Here!" She said tossing me a towel. I caught it, walking into the washroom slowly and groggily.

Showers are one of my favourite things. It's where I do all my thinking and decision making. Also it's relaxing and calming. It's like it washes away all my nerves or problems.

I quickly showered before hopping out and brushing my teeth. Something I always do. I walked out of the bathroom, going to my duffle bag pulling out a pair of blue denim shorts, a purple t-shirt and some VANS. I slipped on my undergarments before putting my clothes on.

Kat wasn't in the room, so I assumed she was with the boys. And her bag wasn't in the room either. I walked back into the washroom, doing my hair and make up. I wore my hair down, with a purple SnapBack that says 'SWAG'. I had light makeup on, some mascara and bronzer. That's all I really put on.

I double checked that I had everything before zipping up my bag and knocking on the boys' door. Cody answered the door, a smile spread across his face. I smiled back, as he let me in.

"Good morning!" He greeted.

'Morning.' I signed to him. I sat on his bed, him beside me. Justin and Kat were cuddled together facing us.

"Have you guys seen twitter?" Justin asked, referring to me and Kat.

"No why?" Kat answered.

"There freaking out about our sighting last night. There wondering who you two are." We both nodded.

"Then tell them." Kat answered. I looked at her like she was crazy! Does she realize how fast her life will change, and not to mention she could get hate.

"So your okay that I tell them about our relationship?" Justin asked her, obviously knowing what a possible outcome could be. "You do know its a possibility that you may get hate?"

"Yes I know. But i'll get through it. I have you, my friends and family. Nothing can put me down." That's what I love about Kat. She is so confident and not self-conscious. Unlike me.

"What about you Amber? You will gain more followers on twitter. And even though your just our friend, there's a possibility that you may get hate, because well you know, your a girl, so they may assume something." Cody told me. I just nodded.

"Is that a yes?" Justin asked me, I just nodded. To be honest, I wasn't really sure about it, but I didn't want to upset them. Kat looked at me, and I could tell that she could see right through.

'Amber.' She signed to me.

'No it's what ever. I'll get through it.' I just signed back. I know Cody knew what we were saying, just by how he looked at the ground before looking into my eyes.

I really liked his eyes. They were a greenish/blueish colour.(Mostly green) And I could see all his emotions.

Happiness. Worry and something I couldn't place. He always has that look in his eye when he looks at me, but I can never identify. Sometimes it annoys me, but others, I love the mystery.

I turned away looking at the time, 8:00. So damn early!

'When are we leaving?' I signed to anyone.

"Now." Cody stated standing up. I nodded as we all stood up and walking out of the hotel, and to the back exit. Fans were still outside the hotel, so we had to get a escort car.

That was weird.


Kat's POV

Me and Amber sat back stage, the boys were performing. It was Cody doing his set, when Justin 'surprised' him. They obviously planned it. That's how they were gonna tell them about me and Amber.

"Ready?" I asked her. The boys were almost at the part, where they would call us on stage.

'Not really.' She signed back.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. I'm there, Cody's there and so is Justin. You don't even have to speak."

'I wouldn't be able to speak any ways smart one.' She retorted. I just chuckled before I heard our Que. We both walked out on stage, smiles on our faces. I could tell Amber was nervous. She was never good with big crowds.

Justin engulfed me in a hug, before he kept one arm around my shoulder and turning to face the crowd. I looked over at Cody and Amber. He also had his arm over her, but loosely.

"Now, you guys are probably wondering who these lovely girls are?" Justin asked the crowd. They screamed.


"Well we shall introduce you guys then." Justin stated looking towards Cody.

"I would like you guys to meet Amber. She's a good friend of mine. Quiet but nice." Amber simply waved.

"And this is Kat, my beautiful girlfriend." The crowd cheered loudly. I looked around the audience, there was a few angry faces, but most of them, had smiles on there faces. Which made me smile.

Soon the concert was over and mine and Amber's phones were going off like crazy. How did they find out twitters so fast?!

"Damn! They work fast!" Amber just nodded agreeing with us.

I was on my phone playing Candy Crush, letting my twitter feed calm down a bit, when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and a kiss on the cheek. I could feel the heat and sweat radiating off him.

"Justin! Your all sweaty!" I screeched escaping his grasp.

"Well I did just perform." He stated like it was the most obvious answer in the world. I just rolled my eyes at him. He chuckled before starting to walk towards me.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Can't I get a hug from my girlfriend?"

"Not in that condition. Go take a shower or something!" I said running away from him.

He was chasing me around until I tripped over a mop bucket and falling to the floor.

"Babe!? Are you okay!?" Justin said rushing over to me.

"Yeah I'm good. Thanks for asking. Maybe we shouldn't do that any more."

"Sure babe." He chuckled helping me up. "Hey, where's Amber and Cody?" He asked me. I looked around noticing that they weren't in the room.

"I don't know." Justin just nodded before Cody emerged from a room, and Amber came from the bathroom.

"Well that concert went well." Cody stated.


Hey guys! This chapter isn't really that good, but honestly, today wasn't very Frantastic.

So how'd you like the chapter? Leave your comments! :)

Do any of you know who Jake Miller is? If you do, you have good music taste.

Well gotta go, see yah Thursday!

~Jor Jor

Dangerous? Yes! Regret it? No!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz