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Chapter 11

Chris' P.O.V

I rush Amber to the school nurse. Right then the bell rings. Well... I guess I'm missing first period. I open the nurse offices doors and saw Ms. Everson looking through a magazine, then her glance shifted over to us and she shot up from her seat. She rushed over to us.

"What happened?" She asked worriedly.

"Umm...She hit her head on the locker really bad" I lied. If I tell her, she'll just go tell the principle. And Amber doesn't want that! She thinks that if we tell someone, that the bullies will find out and do something to her. They can't do shit when I'm around! I wouldn't of let this happen either, but I was distracted by the new kid. Or else I always defend Amber and show those jerks a lesson. But they never learn.

"How long was she unconscious for?" Ms. Everson asks.

"About 10 minutes." I answer and she gives me a shocked face.

"Her bump on her head isn't that bad. She should of been awake by now. I think you should take her to the hospital. Do you want me to call your mother?" She says nervously.

"No! It's okay! No need to call my mom." I said and she just nods. I don't want my mom finding out that this happened again.

I quickly pick up Amber, bride style. I rush to my car and place her fragile body in the back seat. I run to the drives seat, start my engine, and rush to the hospital. Every now and then I would look at Amber in the back to see if she moved or even opened her eyes.


Once I got to the hospital I quickly parked and ran to the emergency room. I run to the front desk to see a lady on the computer.

"Can you please help me!" I said and the lady shot up from her seat.

"Right this way." She said as she lead me to a bed where I put Amber down.

"The doctor will be with you in a second." The nurse ask then walked away. I waited, after 30 second of waiting a doctor walked up to the bed.

"What's the case?" The doctor asked me.

"She hit her head on the locker really hard and its been almost 30 minute, she still hasn't woken up!" I said worriedly.

"We'll run a few test to see if she's ok. But in the meantime would you please wait outside?" The doctor asks.

"Can't I stay here?" I ask.

"You can, but it would be easier if you would wait outside." The doctor said. I nod and walk outside.

*Hours Later*

It's been hours and I'm still waiting. Finally the doctor comes out of the room.

"Are you Amber Walker- Jones' relative?" The doctor asks.

"Yeah. I'm her brother." I told him.

"I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first?" He asks.

"The good news." I answer nervously and he nods.

"The good news it that Amber is okay and she opened her eyes. But the bad news is that if anything like this happens again, she might get a very bad concussion." He said.

"Can I see her?" I asked and he nodes.

"She can leave once she's ready." The doctor says.

"Thanks doc." I said and walked into the room.

The first thing I saw was Amber. She was sitting down on the bed.

' Can we leave?' She signs and I nod.

We both walk of the room and to the car, nobody said or signed anything. But the we got in the car and I let out a loud sigh.

"Amber, you have to tell someone about this. There not going to stop!" I said a bit angrier.

'No! I can't!' she sighed.

"WHY AMBER! WHY CAN'T YOU FUCKING TELL ANYONE! I'M TIRED OF DEFENDING YOU!" I yelled at her, I looked at and saw tears forming in her eyes. That's when guilt rushed all over me.

"Amber I didn't mean to yell. I'm sorry." I apologized but she didn't answer. She just looked out the window.

*At Home*

We both got home and walked inside to the living room. Amber took the remote and started watching TV.

"Ahem" A voice behind us says, we both turn around.

It was mom.

I gulp hard.

"Hey mom" I said trying to not act suspicious.

"Guess? I just got a call from your school. They said you guys missed school." She said raising her eyebrow.

"You guys want to explain that?" She asked.

I looked over to Amber, I could see by her facial expression that she was begging me not to tell. And me being a nice guy, I didn't say anything.

"We ditched." I said and my mom raised her eyebrow.

"You say it as if it was a normal thing, And like it's not a big deal." She says and I shrug.

"Well then... you two are grounded for a week for ditching school." She said and let to the kitchen. I look to Amber, she doesn't make eye contact with me.

"Your welcome." I say followed by a small chuckle.

Right as w were watching TV the door bell rang. I got off the couch and walked to the door, opening the door. Once I opened the door I saw Kat and Riley.

"Hey guys. What's up?." I greeted, before I got a answer back Kat barged inside.

"Amber?" She called out.

Kat's P.O.V

"Amber?" I call out, I walked into the living room and saw Amber on the couch watching TV. I immediately jumped on her, attacking her with a hug.

"Oh my God! Amber are you okay?" I asked.

"Shhhh" Amber said to me and I looked at her confused.

"I didn't tell my mom" She said.

"Amber you need to tell her. She's gonna find out sooner or later." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Lets hope she finds out sooner" She says.

"Hey Amber, I have someone I want you to meet." Chris says entering the room with Riley.

'Hey, What's up?' Riley sighed and Amber looks at us shocked.

'You know sign language?' Amber sighed and Riley nods.

It's been a while now, Amber and Riley are having a conversation. Chris is watching TV. and I was just on my phone. Then I got a text that just brightened up my day. It was from Justin.

~Skype in 5 minutes?


Hey everyone!

Hope you enjoyed this weeks chapter!

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Song quote: This feeling that you give me, It's so good it hurts." ~Fair Square Cody Simpson and Jessica Jerrel.

Twitter names: @Zeynepkay0 @Jorjor56

~Zeynep & Jori

Dangerous? Yes! Regret it? No!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora