I Fucked Up

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Kat's P.O.V

I was so relived that Cody calmed down Amber. But then again when I saw them together, acting all lovey dovey, it reminded me of him.

I'm assuming that his decision is final.

We're not together anymore...

It honestly breaks my heart everytime I think of it. And the worst part is...

I was going to say yes to him.

I was going to accept the ring, but Justin just jumped to conclusions and walked away.

"Hey Kat, you okay?" I snap back to reality and look at Cody.

"To be honest, no" I dip my head low trying to get rid of the tears that are surfacing.

"What really happened between you and Justin? " He asked which caused my surfacing tears to let loose.

"Justin showed me the promise ring and asked me if we could be together forever. I was going to accept it, but before I was going to warn him about the difficulties." I continue to let out tears.

"Then?" Cody asks in curiosity.

"He didn't let me finish my speech, he just broke up and and said he doesn't want a girlfriend that doesn't love him back. I guess he thought I was gonna say no....So he left..." I was in complete sobbing mode.

Amber came and started comforting me, but it was useless.

"Justin told me that you said, that you don't love him." I span my head towards Cody, is he serious?

"I NEVER said anything like that!" I yell, then fall on the floor and cry my heart out.

Cody's P.O.V

I got off the sofa and left the house.

What is wrong with Justin!?

I enter my car and drive to our hotel, rushing up to Justin's room.

I bang on the door roughly, waiting for a reply.

"What the hell ?" Justin opens the door in a lazy way.

"What is wrong with you? Kat never said she doesn't love you. She was actually going to say yes! but your dumbass jumped to conclusions and walked away!" I say in one breath.

Justin first looks at my facial expression to see if I was kidding, once he saw I was dead serious he got worried.

"Cody, don't fucking play with me. was she really gonna say yes?" Justin asks and I nodded, unable to speak due to being out of breath.

"Shit! I fucked up!"

"Yup, You fucked up big time!"


Hey guys!

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

its sorta short, sorry but I'm just busy.

10+ comments and votes for the.next chapter!



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