A Brand New Day

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A Brand New Day

I woke up to a loud snoring. I opened my eyes to see my brother sprawled out on the couch in my room. I walked up to him, poking him. He didn't move a muscle. This time, I poked his two sides, repeatedly until he started to move. His body vibrating with his chuckles, when my hands were in the grasp of his.

"What are you doing?" He asked. I nodded towards my hands. He let go.

'Well, I was trying to wake you up. Why are you in my room anyway?' I asked.

"Oh, um. I guess you're old enough to here this now." He took a deep breath. His voice was rough, and groggy since he just woke up. It a bit deeper too. "Okay, so you know how you have nightmares right? So I noticed that when ever the day your dad's death approaches, they get worst. I know this because your screaming gets worst. Like, your crying, screaming and shaking that I have to hold you until you stop. And you're asleep the whole time, and once you wake up, you don't remember it." He finished, looking up through his eyelashes.

'It happens every year?' He just nodded. He then stood up, stretching. I hugged him tightly, burying my head in his chest. His arms wrapped around me. I hugged him for a good three minutes before I pulled away.

"Thank you." I spoke softly. His eyes went wide. His smile growing.

"What? Amber! Did you just speak to me!?" He was shocked to say the least. I giggled at his reaction. "I can't believe this! After 6 years! You finally spoke to me!"

'I don't know why it took me so long. Sorry.' I signed to him.

"Don't apologize. Am I the first new person you've talked to?" I frowned a little.

'No. Cody and Justin were. But that was one simple word.'

"Really? What'd you say?"

"No." I chuckled.

"No? I got a thank you!" He said excitedly.

"Actually I think I said your name once too." I spoke again. I guess since I've know him so long, I can do this now. Finally after six years.

"This is amazing! I have never heard your voice before, except if you yelled it in your sleep. But it's not the same!" He said grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the room.

"Mom! Guess what!? Amber spoke to me!" Chris shouted through out the house, like a 5 year old.

"What are you doing Chris?" I asked.

"Gotta tell mom you know? Maybe you can talk to her too?"

"I'll try." We walked into the kitchen, my mom swaying to the music, while cooking breakfast.

"Good morning mom!" Chris stated giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Why you so happy and jolly? And good morning Amber!" Chris looked at me. I took a breath,

"Morning mom." I spoke. She smiled wide, before engulfing me in a hug.

"My baby finally spoke to me!" She cried with joy.

"Don't cry mom." I told her. She gasped again, before hugging me again.

We all sat down to eat a nice breakfast. Having nice conversation. Some me speaking, and some of me signing.

Cody's POV

I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna tell Amber my feelings. No matter what it takes. She will know, by the end of this day.

I fixed my hair in the mirror before walking out of my hotel room and towards Justin's car. He was going to take Kat out on this amazing all day date apparently. Which left me and Amber alone. Which on my side is awesome! Maybe we'll go long boarding and I can tell her then, or I'll take her out for ice cream and tell her then. Maybe we'll go down to a amusement park, and I'll tell her on the Ferris wheel. No matter where I tell her, I know what I'm gonna say.

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