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Justin's P.O.V

"Justin...I don't know what to say." Kat replied while her beautiful eyes were sparkiling into mine.

"Don't you love me back? Say yes and except the ring." I said with bad thoughts filling in my head.

Does she not love me?

Was she playing me this whole time ?

"I do love you Justin, but..." Before she could continue I shut the box with thr ring and shove it in my pocket.

"I got my answer." I angerly storm away.from her, leaving her stranded.

"No! Justin wait!" Kat yelles from behind me.

"No Kat! I'm not going to waste my time on somebody that doesn't feel the same way I feel about them!.....We're over." And with that I leave her.

Kat's P.O.V

He just left me.

I felt so empty.

I want even going to say no, I was going to warn him about the things that could happen like:

His fans hating me

We fight and break up

His fans hating me

Long distance, when he's on tour



But in the end I was still going to say yes and except the ring.

Amber's P.O.V

" I'm so confused what happened?" I asked Justin, who refuses to answer by ignoring Cody and I.

Kat entered the car with her make up stained....she was crying?

"What happened?" Cody and I ask at the same time. Kat whipes her tears. Typical Kat. she hates it when people see her cry.

"Can we just go home please?" Kat leans her head on the window and closes her eyes.

Cody starts the car and drives off.

The car ride was extreamly akward, nobody said a word.

"We're here" Cody announced. I turn back and see Kat has fallen asleep with dried tear stains.

"Justin can you carry Kat to he bed?" I signed, knowing Justin understood it.

"No" He spat. "I get Cody to carry her." He harshly said.


"But she's your girlfriend."I sign but he just shrugs and stays seated.

"It's ok, ill carry her babe."Cody says and gets out the car, over to Kat's side.

Cody lifts Kat with his strong arms and gentely lays her down.

I thank him with a peck on the lips, but he extends it. After we breathlessly pull away I look ocer to Kat.

"What do ya think happened? " Cody asks and I shrug.

"I don't know, Justin probably did something to upset her." I say.

"What makes you think this was Justin's fault ?" Cody asks.

"During a fight, guys are most of the time the ones who started it." I state and he rolls his eyes.

" Don't blame Justin! All he did was love the girl." Cody said harshly.

"I'm just saying that Justin is most likely the cause of this." I say and Cody scoffs and stormes out of the room.

How dare he blame my bestfriend!

Cody's P O.V

How dare she blame my bestfriend!

Justin did noting wrong. I enter the car and slam the door closed. I grip the steering wheel so hard my knuckles become white.

I turn around and face Justin.

"What happened?" I ask seriously.

"Kat said she doesn't love me, so I broke up with her. I don't want to have a girlfriend that doesn't love me back." Justin says and leans back. I could see a tear threatening to spill out of his eyes.

I was right.

One point for Cody | 0 points for Amber


Heyy guys!

Sorry its a late chappie!

I hope you guys enjoy it! 

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